NÎMES METROPOLE “Hearts of Towns” for a peaceful life

The programmed operation agreement for the improvement of housing for urban renewal (OPAH-RU) of multi-sites called “Cœurs de Bourgs” is signed.

The programmed operation agreement for the improvement of housing for Urban Renewal is signed by Nîmes Métropole and its partners (Photo Anthony Maurin)

Since 2017, as part of its new regional territorial policy, the Occitanie region has wanted to pay particular attention to small towns and market towns in rural or peri-urban areas which play an essential role of centrality and attractiveness within their catchment area and constitute anchor points for territorial rebalancing.

In the territory of Nîmes metropole, seven municipalities were eligible for the program, finally there will be five to try it: Générac, Marguerittes, Manduel, Milhaud and Clarensac. Redessan and Bouillargues have given up.

Aerial view of Clarensac (DR Clarensac town hall)

« For several decades, municipalities have experienced significant demographic development with a predominance of single-family homes in the absence of town centres. We have decided to act and within five years, 145 homes will be rehabilitated. Together, we will breathe new life into these places where life is good. “, encourages Géraldine Rey-Deschamps, Deputy Vice-President for Housing and Urban Renewal.

This is a multi-thematic contract adapted to the specificities of the development projects of each municipality and which goes in the direction of a better living environment, more efficient housing, efficient service offers to the population, transversal mobility, real and local economy, culture, heritage, tourism and environment.

The mayor of Marguerittes, Rémi Nicolas (Photo: Coralie Mollaret)

After the steering committees, it’s time for the final signing of the partnership! The priority remains housing, but problems are emerging. For Frédéric Touzellier, mayor of Générac, it’s the budget. We are trying to bring more life into our town centres even if we are building subdivisions. It is a long battle, we have to furnish everyone and it can pose quite a few problems, especially finding the money! I would like to review the budget arrangements a little because it is a great adventure and an interesting approach. »

Mayor of Milhaud, Jean-Luc Descloux agrees: ” This operation suits us well because we no longer have any land on which to build and at the same time we are revitalizing the center of the village. In any case, we will have to choose the types of housing carefully because they will be there for the next 100 years! »

Milhaud. DR

There is still a long way to go and it will be necessary to provide financial support to owners to encourage them to carry out work to improve their homes. It will also be necessary to recycle and restructure the degraded blocks identified in the preliminary study, through development operations, via private owners, social landlords, the EPF, or even the SPL. Finally, offering a diversity of housing products, and attractive properties (exposure, exterior, garage or parking nearby, etc.) will be necessary.

And Jean-Jacques Granat, mayor of Manduel, to resume the generic argument: ” This is my second term, I managed to recreate a city centre in my first, it’s a plus and this initiative is excellent because the work is very well done. But like in Générac or Milhaud, we have been lacking since the SRU law and our budgets are penalised… »

From the sky, view of Générac (Photo SB).

It is the prefect of Gard who could change the situation and make the financial life of these municipalities easier. An appointment has been made with him to discuss it. Rémi Nicolas, mayor of Marguerittes, has another vision: ” This file and these projects are very important to us because we are also the smallest territory (out of 22 in France, Editor’s note) to experiment with Zero Net Artificialization. The investment of Nîmes Métropole is strong, we are trying to mobilize funds and we are working on proposing a new offer on the territory. This operation contributes to the beautification of our cities, the overall approach will be beneficial. »

The programmed operation agreement for the improvement of housing for Urban Renewal is signed by Nîmes Métropole and its partners (Photo Anthony Maurin)

The aim is often the creation of a central, friendly and unifying hub of life in the heart of the village, including in particular the development of a square but also urban renewal, strengthening and expanding the heart of the village, allowing the creation of new housing.

The convention must see the improvement of urban functioning while promoting the living environment. Particular attention is paid to village entrances and the promotion of built historical heritage.

The development axes of the contracts were therefore to have a lively and united town, allowing the development of a leisure space with an intergenerational vocation. A unifying and welcoming town and local public spaces. Peaceful and resilient towns including in particular the implementation of a mobility strategy at the municipal level.

It is Christian Bastid, president of the Departmental Agency for Housing and Accommodation (ADHL), who continues: “ The ADHL has existed for a little over a year, but it is starting to take up more and more space. It is the keystone of the housing policy for all in the department! »



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