Two baby peregrine falcons were born in the nest boxes of the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen

Two baby peregrine falcons were born in the nest boxes of the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen
Two baby peregrine falcons were born in the nest boxes of the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen

In the nest boxes set up at the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen, a pair of peregrine falcons gave birth to at least two young falcons at the start of summer 2024. The event proves the good adaptation of these diurnal birds of prey in the Normandy city, which facilitated the installation of these formidable pigeon hunters.

In the photos published by the city of Caen on X, we can see a small ball of white feathers perched near the top of the north tower of the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen (Calvados).

This is a baby peregrine falcon. After the installation of two nest boxes set up by the city services in early 2023, a pair of adults settled in the heights of the emblematic Caen building and managed to reproduce there.

The couple must be enjoying themselves up there, because a falcon was spotted last night. There are certainly two of them.” the city congratulated itself on social networks at the end of June.

We saw at least two little ones during our observations from the forecourt of the Abbaye aux Hommes, confirms James Jean-Baptiste, employee of the Normandy Ornithological Group (GONm). We are very happy. It is a first in Caen“.

These falcons hatched out of their shells only a few weeks ago.In about ten days, they will be able to fly. They will stay near the nest for one to two months with their parents to learn to hunt. Then, the adults will push them to leave to settle elsewhere.” explains James Jean-Baptiste, who is delighted with the birth of small birds of prey in urban areas.

Two nest boxes were installed at the top of the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen to allow the installation of a pair of peregrine falcons, a natural regulator of pigeons.


The event shows that peregrine falcons have the right conditions to live well here.

It is a rock bird that needs cliffs and heights to nest, explains the GONm ornithologist. The coastal cliffs and quarries around Caen are already well occupied by several couples. So the nest boxes installed at the top of the tower of the Abbaye aux Hommes are suitable solutions for their installation in the city, where they also find plenty of food.“.

The fastest bird in the world, the peregrine falcon is a formidable bird hunter. The wild animal is a choice ally for the municipality of Caen in the fight against the proliferation of pigeons, sources of damage in the city.

The hunting flight of falcons is a deterrent and a source of discomfort for pigeons. It is the best defense against the inconveniences that they can bring.

I have been counting pigeons for several years. I observed about 250 pigeons on average on the Abbaye aux Hommes. Whereas since the peregrine falcons have been here, I count about 70. The falcons exert pressure on the pigeons who spend more time watching their backs than breeding so the populations are regulated.“.

The fastest animal in the world, the peregrine falcon is known for being a formidable bird hunter. In urban areas, such as the city of Caen, it naturally regulates the pigeon population.


Due to this success at the Abbaye aux Hommes in Caen, new urban nest boxes should soon be installed by municipal services in other sites in the “city of 100 bell towers”. A boon for the development of peregrine falcon populations in urban areas.

Having disappeared from Normandy in the 1970s due to the pesticide DDT which weakened the egg shells, the majestic bird of prey has been increasingly establishing itself in the region since its return at the end of the 1990s. According to the Norman Ornithological Group (GONm), more than 100 pairs nest in Normandy.



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