UK: British far-right leader criticises National Rally’s economic programme : News

As France enters a decisive second round of elections and Jordan Bardella is on the threshold of Matignon, the world is scrutinising the French political situation. The leader of the far-right British party Reform UK believes that the economic programme of the National Rally would be “a desaster”.

The British far right no longer supports the French far right as much. On Monday, July 1, Nigel Farage, leader of the Reform UK party, which notably initiated Brexit and is anti-immigration, assured that the economic program of the National Rally would be “even worse for the economy than the current batch”he says in the British newspaper UnHerd.

Jordan Bardella is at the gates of Matignon and the RN has not yet clearly detailed its economic program. The desire to lower VAT from 20% to 5.5% on energy, gas, fuel, heating oil and electricity has nevertheless been announced. The RN assures that this would represent a saving of a little more than 12 billion euros over a year. A draft of an economic program that Nigel Farage already describes as “disaster”.

Support for Marine Le Pen in 2017

The position taken by the leader of the British far right may come as a surprise when you consider the support he showed for Marine Le Pen during the 2017 presidential election. At that time, she defended France’s exit from the European Union and the euro, which is in line with the Reform UK party. Nigel Farage had welcomed a “sincere eurosceptic”although the RN has “deeply rooted in Vichy and that anti-Semitism is written in its DNA.”

But during the European elections, won by the majority of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella assured: “No Frexit, no public, no cache.”

published on July 2 at 3:28 p.m., Philippine Rouviere Flamand, 6Medias




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