Hot air balloon flights to discover Auxerre with the wind

Hot air balloon flights to discover Auxerre with the wind
Hot air balloon flights to discover Auxerre with the wind

France Montgolfières has five flight bases in Burgundy, including one in Vézelay. At 26 years old, the base manager, Doriann Frot, with 260 hours of flight time under his belt, is organizing flights over Auxerre for the first time this 2024 season. Immediate boarding.

Founded in Vermenton in 1985, the France Montgolfières company is organising flights over Auxerre for the first time this summer of 2024. “No one offers it here, and for the pilots, it’s nice to have a change of scenery. We hope to be able to organise one per week this season”, says Doriann Frot, head of the Vézelay base, who wants to make this new destination a permanent fixture if attendance is high.

The first flight over the capital of Icaunais was to take place at the end of May. But the weather decided otherwise, and the captain finally gave the green light on Friday evening, June 28:

It’s a constant battle for us. We can’t wait for the perfect conditions, like amateur pilots. If they’re good enough, we take off. But the decision is always ours.

The meeting is set for 7pm in the Auxerrexpo car park. We will meet the pilot there, but also Franck and Vincent, who will assist him from the ground, as well as our travel companions. First step, the ballooning test: “We inflate a balloon and let it go to get an idea of ​​what will happen to us at the top. Because we will do the same as him!”

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Take-off time

The wind direction also helps determine the take-off site: heading for the Venoy village hall in the France Montgolfières vehicles. A trailer is attached to one of them to transport the equipment. “We need sites that are accessible by car. It’s a lot of preparation in advance, calls to town halls to request permits,” explains Doriann Frot. Mayor Christophe Bonnefond didn’t hesitate for long: “This is very good news for Auxerrois, one more tourist activity for this summer.”


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The departure is from the Venoy village hall. © Céline Niel

Quickly, the basket is laid on its side and the huge canvas is unfolded in the grass. It is time for the safety briefing. After learning the position to adopt for landing, the pilot shows everyone their place in the basket, so as to distribute the weight. The fans are started, then the burners. A few minutes later, the balloon is vertical and the basket is straightening up. Quick! We have to get on board before it takes off. Without jolts, the ground moves away and the “earthlings” shrink, shrink…

Little by little, the balloon inflates and the basket straightens up. © Céline Niel

The landscape stretches as far as the eye can see. Venoy first, but also the fields, the forest, the wind turbines… More than 500 meters above the ground, thoughts are flying. “It’s hot!” The little wools will stay at the bottom of the bags, the burners acting as central heating. “It’s very stable.” The advantage of moving in the wind. And while some may be afraid of heights, “the feeling of vertigo does not exist, because we are not connected to the ground, we have no notion of distance.”

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Flight over the stadium

In the distance, Auxerre. But the winds have changed and the hot air balloon remains almost in a hovering position. “At first, I almost regretted having taken off,” Doriann Frot confided once on the ground. But after twenty minutes, the situation finally unblocks. The basket heads straight for the prefecture city, the outlines of the old Saint-Étienne cathedral become clearer. Gradually, the balloon loses altitude and flies over the wheat fields and the Yonne just a few meters away. The impression of speed grips the passengers, even though they are only traveling at 12 km/h.

A panoramic view above Venoy. © Céline Niel

The appearance of a hot air balloon is also an attraction for those on the ground, who inevitably look up. Motorists stop to enjoy the moment. “We feel a bit like the Queen of England!” Children and flying travelers answer each other. “Come on Auxerre!” Because after flying over the wheat fields and the Yonne just a few meters away, it is indeed the Abbé-Deschamps that is approaching at full speed.

Barely enough time to take a vertical photo above the stadium, the highlight of the trip, before we have to think about landing. To the great displeasure of the passengers, it will not take place on the pitch, but on the heights of the Piedalloues district.

Highlight of the trip, a passage over the Abbé-Deschamps. © Céline Niel

The critical moment is approaching. “At the top, there is no real danger. But the obstacles on the ground, especially the power lines, which are almost invisible, are a real risk. We are on the lookout for the poles.”

Landing blindly

The captain spots a field and hails the farmers, who are about to leave with their combine harvester. “Can we land at your place?” According to the law, he does not have to have their permission.

“We do what we can, since we have no control over the direction. We avoid animals and crops. During the harvest, it’s Christmas for us! The place also has to be accessible by our vehicles to store everything.”

Dorian asked (Head of the Vézelay base, captain)

“Safety position!” Sitting with your back against the basket, like on an invisible chair, no one will see the landing except the pilot himself. To avoid accidents, “we position ourselves in the direction where everyone will be on their back if we lie down.”

A handful of seconds later, the basket slides on the ground, before stopping. Already, the teams of France Montgolfières put all their efforts to fold up the canvas.

Upon landing, passengers help with tidying up. © Céline Niel

The evening ends at sunset with a glass of friendship. A first Auxerre experience “more than successful”, according to the passengers. Words that reassure the captain: “I am a perfectionist, also because I have points of comparison. As long as we give happiness to people…”

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Useful information

For who ? Pregnant women are not allowed on board, “because the landing can be rough,” says Doriann Frot. Nor are children under six. “I even recommend waiting a little longer. Up there, it’s very contemplative and after half an hour, some people get fed up.” For others, it’s enough to be able to stand for an hour and adopt the safety position on landing. “Age, prostheses, flexibility problems are not taken into account. We can help to get in and out of the basket. If you have any doubts or specific pathologies, we can discuss it by telephone. There are baskets adapted for people with reduced mobility.”

During the briefing, the pilot teaches the passengers the safety position for landing. © Céline Niel

Advice. A romantic rendezvous par excellence, the hot air balloon unfortunately does not lend itself to high heels. “We often have the case of the surprise between lovers. But we will land in the fields. Depending on the wind, it can shake a little. It is better to be in sneakers so as not to break an ankle”, warns the pilot Doriann Frot. It is also recommended to bring water and a cap. “With the heat of the sun and the burners, the apprehension too, we sometimes feel faint up there.”

Rates and reservations. Prices vary depending on the ticket chosen. Expect to pay 445 euros for two people. Information and reservations at or on

Text and video Lucile Preux
Photos Celine Niel



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