Legislative Election: Philippe Berthaut alongside Pierre Pribetich! A presence that could harm the candidate!

Legislative Election: Philippe Berthaut alongside Pierre Pribetich! A presence that could harm the candidate!
Legislative Election: Philippe Berthaut alongside Pierre Pribetich! A presence that could harm the candidate!

Philippe Berthaut is back and supports Pierre Pribetich in the legislative elections. Philippe Berthaut is well known in Dijon and its Métropole. Indeed, on February 9, 2019, in Dijon, on the occasion of Act XIII of the Yellow Vests, clashes took place between the police and the demonstrators in front of the town hall. The security force took the initiative to launch a law enforcement operation, which should not have been the case at that time. Philippe Berthaut, former Director General of Services (DGS) of the City of Dijon and Dijon Métropole, was present. The question was then to know, at that time, who had led the operations. Many eyes then turned to the former DGS, Philippe Berthaut.

Another controversy, and not the least: on September 13, 2019, Sébastien Graciotti, a journalist at Bien Public, was insulted after an article published in the newspaper’s columns, an article that caused a stir. Indeed, the head of civil servants was taking a bath while the Carrousel swimming pool was under construction. Philippe Berthaut, the controversial man, was alongside Pierre Pribetich for a large photo of support, as proven by Pierre Pribetich’s publication on his X account. Philippe Berthaut is on the far left in the front row!

It is not certain that the supporters of the Popular Front will appreciate the presence of Philippe Berthaut alongside Pierre Pribetich in the context of this campaign. The candidate declares (Pierre Pribetich): ” The whole team gathered and united to lead the battle of the 2nd round of the legislative elections. Thank you all for your constant commitment. We can change lives ” Philippe Berthaut is therefore in Pierre Pribetich’s campaign team. For many, this could be the straw that broke the camel’s back. In the Socialist Party, we definitely tend to quickly forget the past. Not sure that this is the case for voters.



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