Avignon Off Festival: A wild cat’s step, we really like it

Avignon Off Festival: A wild cat’s step, we really like it
Avignon Off Festival: A wild cat’s step, we really like it

“Un pas de chat sauvage” by Marie N’Diaye, a mysterious story if ever there was one, has long accompanied director Blandine Savetier. She co-adapted this text for the theater with Waddah Saab, giving the main roles to Natalie Dessay and Anne-Laure Ségla. The story centers around Maria Martinez, a singer of Cuban origin who enjoyed fleeting fame in Paris in the 19th century, before sinking into poverty and anonymity. Given this, the play is essential for the complementary cross-interpretations of two powerful performers. Natalie Dessay in the role of a writer and then Anne-Laure Ségla, who, in the guise of Marie Sachs, emotionally embodies this Maria Martinez with a tragic journey. Very beautiful plastically, this moment of theater shakes for the presence of the two actresses who are at once narrators, dancers, and singers. With the addition of the character played by Greg Duret at the head of penetrating music, artistic lighting by Louisa Michel, and a video by Laurence Barbier, here is a piece that intelligently evokes the black condition throughout the centuries.

“Un pas de chat sauvage” at the Théâtre des Halles, Rue du Roi René. Visible until July 21. At 4:30 p.m. Closed on July 10 and 17. Subscriber and reduced rates: €15; Full: €22. Information and reservations 04 32 76 24 51 www.theatredeshalles.com

Jean-Rémi Barland



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