Four days to celebrate Notre-Dame de Bon Port in Antibes

Four days to celebrate Notre-Dame de Bon Port in Antibes
Four days to celebrate Notre-Dame de Bon Port in Antibes

On Sunday, July 7, Notre-Dame de Bon Port will have to coexist with the second round of the legislative elections. This was not at all planned, of course! A thousand-year-old tradition, the homage to the Virgin of the Garoupe sanctuary, which delivered the city from the plague thanks to the prayers of its inhabitants, is as solid as a rock. It has experienced many events and it is still there, kept afloat by the corporation of sailors of Antibes.

Sunday will be the highlight of four days of festivities, with the return of Notre-Dame, to her home, to the chapel of La Garoupe, after a stay at the cathedral. 8:30 a.mfrom the sanctuary plateau, we will see the statue appearing on the road to Calvary, adorned with its finest finery, hoisted on the shoulders of the barefoot bearers who bring it home.

After a time of just rest for the faithful and the traditional sale of fougassettes, the high mass will be celebrated at 9:30by Father Laurent Giallo-Perret, parish priest, and many priests, including Sébastien Frisina, a local boy. The one who has been a bearer within the corporation for twenty years, was ordained a priest on June 16. He will co-chair the Festivities this year!

Torchlight descent, bonfire

But, before Sunday, the last day of Bon Port, the Virgin will have made the journey to Calvary in the opposite direction. Thursday July 4thhas 7h15a first procession will set off from the sanctuary. The course is set for the cathedral, where after the usual altars, mass will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. We will meet again on Thursday and Friday at 20h30for a moment of prayer and singing. On this occasion, we will be able to buy cards and candles with the image of Our Lady. The price of candles is now set at 2 euros, compared to 1 euro until now. But, there had not been an increase for fifteen years! No concert by the Latines, on Friday evening.

SATURDAYhas 21h45after mass at 21 hoursit’s the return of the spectacular torchlight descent. More than 200 bearers will head to the Sainte-Claire esplanade, above the Gravette beach, for a bonfire.

Carriers: what if you tested?

A tradition that lives on thanks to volunteers, the corporation of Sailors of Antibes chaired by Olivier Michelis is a long family history. Among the bearers, the torch is passed down through the generations. But, a call is launched to fill the ranks of replacements. Because, we take turns to carry the Virgin. We always need young people invested in this charge. And, it is possible to do a trial “, recalls the president.

On the compliment-givers side, the children aged 6 to 10 who are responsible for reading the compliments at the five altars during the processions are becoming a little rarer… Attention all parents of good will!

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