EU Green Mission Officers

EU Green Mission Officers
EU Green Mission Officers

Erwan Autret (left) and David Canevet (right) on a trip to Wrocław in Poland as part of their new mission
At the initiative of Catherine Passirani, Vice-President for International and Equality, two project managers have been appointed to theUA to carry out the work of the European EU Green alliance: Erwan Autret for training and David Canevet for research.

Catherine Passirani wants to accelerate the active participation and commitment of theUA in this European initiative, which aims to facilitate collaboration between the nine partner universities by placing sustainability at the heart of their missions.

The two project managers will be responsible for promoting the opportunities offered by EU Green, highlighting the possibilities for mobility, the creation of degrees and research collaborations. They will also be the University’s ambassadors within EU Green bodies and will integrate the alliance’s initiatives into the training and research projects of theUA.

Erwan Autret, Training Officer

Erwan Autret, an English teacher and PASS-LAS ​​co-manager at the Faculty of Health, is already an active member of the Alliance’s Training working group (workpackage 2). He is determined to strengthen ties between partner universities and develop the Alliance’s training-related initiatives.

« With this mission, my role is to bring to the attention of the university community what EU Green is, and to ensure that everyone finds meaning in it and gets involved in it. This alliance already facilitates and will facilitate even more tomorrow the exchanges between students within the network. The existence of privileged partners is an accelerator of rich collaborations for the entire university community. “, he says. Among other things, I would like to develop the co-construction of training courses which could, in the medium term, lead to the creation of European diplomas. “. By representing theUA Within the Joint Education Committee and the Senate, Erwan Autret actively participates in the educational policy of the alliance and his work will allow EU Green initiatives to be anchored more globally in the training and university life projects of the alliance.UA.

David Canevet, Research Officer

David Canevet is a lecturer and researcher in chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences and a member of the Moltech Anjou laboratory (Pulsar team). His missions within the EU Green Research working group (workpackage 3 led by theUA) focus in particular on the development of scientific collaborations involving UA and partner universities of the alliance.

« The existence of EU Green represents a tremendous opportunity for researchers in theUAThe alliance can facilitate the development of international collaboration networks, finance mobility, seed projects and doctoral grants, and thus promote the establishment of lasting collaborations. “, explains David Canevet. ” In the coming months, and in partnership with Cap Europe, I would like to visit the laboratories of theUA in order to promote direct and effective communication between researchers. Integrating all disciplines into research projects, whether they relate to the human and social sciences or the so-called exact sciences, seems important to me for our institution “He points out that the alliance’s objectives do not only relate to themes such as recycling or the preservation of biodiversity, but that they also concern all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations.



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