A man eviscerated by his neighbor in Saint-Denis: he was saved by his neighbors before help arrived!

A man eviscerated by his neighbor in Saint-Denis: he was saved by his neighbors before help arrived!
A man eviscerated by his neighbor in Saint-Denis: he was saved by his neighbors before help arrived!

This Monday, July 1st, around 7 p.m. in Sainte-Clotilde, a man was eviscerated by his neighbor. Thomas*, one of the neighbors, was one of the first to give him first aid. He testifies.

This Monday, July 1st, the police services were called around 7 p.m. for a fight on rue des Acajous in Sainte-Clotilde. At the scene, they found a man eviscerated on the ground, with his organs exposed.

Before the arrival of emergency services and the police, it was the neighbours who came to the victim’s aid. Thomas*, one of them, also gave first aid. “Around 6:45 p.m. we heard screams, a first neighbor rushed to the scene, he found the victim who was bleeding and staggering in his yard. He brought him outside and started to exert pressure on the victim’s abdomen, that’s when I arrived with a clean piece of clothing that we would use later. There were other neighbors who were around us trying to help. At my level, I supported the neighbor who was exerting pressure by opening medical equipment and helping him apply it, I also had bandages to hold” he tells us.

5 minutes later, the police arrive. One of the police officers assists them with first aid. At 7:15 p.m., the firefighters arrive, followed by the emergency services.

“I stayed with the victim until the fire truck, talking to him, reassuring him about his children. He was still conscious when the truck left, but had lost a lot of blood.” testifies Thomas*.

The neighbors showed extraordinary composure and courage. It was a true act of bravery.




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