thefts, arson, pickpocketing, police officer held up with a fake weapon…

thefts, arson, pickpocketing, police officer held up with a fake weapon…
thefts, arson, pickpocketing, police officer held up with a fake weapon…

While the far left demonstrated against the elections in Nantes, the delinquents gave good reasons to vote for a restoration of order in the country… once again.

On June 28, at the foot of the Building – a high-rise building plagued by drug trafficking that dominates the so-called “sensitive” Dervallières neighborhood in Nantes, one of the residents, aged 50, went down to tell four young people who were doing a motocross rodeo to calm down a little, around 10:30 p.m. In response, he was beaten up and injured in the hand with a knife.

On the same day at 5:40 p.m. a patient attempted to set himself on fire at the Saint-Nazaire hospital, for reasons that are still unknown.

The next day, two drunken tourists aged 22 and 29 were arrested in La Baule with a bicycle that did not belong to them and while they were in the process of stealing… a sand yacht. Inspired by Hollande and his pedal boat?

Still on June 29, on Rue Sully, two young girls and a man intervened while a man, visibly drunk, was assaulting a woman. Sexual assault is suspected; the accused was held in police custody for a few hours before being released, pending a psychological assessment. A slice of life in the hypercentre of Nantes…

Finally, on June 29 around 7 p.m., police officers on a stakeout to arrest possible extortionists around the tram line 3 in Orvault witnessed an assault – four young people attacked two others. They intervened, and one of the young offenders, a minor, pointed a gun at a police officer who turned out to be a fake. He was taken into custody.


Illustrations  : DR
[cc], 2022, dispatches free to copy and distribute subject to mention and link to the original source



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