Tournefeuille. Security is everyone’s business

Tournefeuille. Security is everyone’s business
Tournefeuille. Security is everyone’s business

The fight against burglaries and thefts by deception, still too numerous in the department, is a priority. Faced with this major challenge, the prevention and public tranquility service reminds us that everyone is an actor in their security and that simple actions can limit the risks.

To remind people of these simple rules, the citizen referents distribute a small booklet published by the town hall to the inhabitants of their neighborhood. The Tournefeuillais can also register in the “Operation tranquility holidays” scheme.

This device of the municipal police and the national police, free and accessible to all, offers to watch over your home in your absence, by carrying out patrols. To register, either directly online on the site or by downloading the form on and bringing it to the municipal police station (8 boulevard Eugène Montel)

During the holidays, the city’s citizen referents are even more useful. In the event of going on holiday, each Tournefeuillais can contact the citizen referent of his district, give him the dates of his absence and authorize him to contact the municipal or national police in the event of a break-in. There are currently around a hundred citizen referents registered and this system is effective, because it helps to strengthen security, the climate of serenity and good neighborliness.



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