Sun, wind, tomato plants and floral scents took part in the inauguration

Sun, wind, tomato plants and floral scents took part in the inauguration
Sun, wind, tomato plants and floral scents took part in the inauguration

A little sunshine, a lot of wind, tomato plants and floral scents were on the agenda for the inauguration of the redevelopment of Daniel-Ceccaldi Square in Meaux on Saturday, June 15.

The city’s green spaces teams welcomed the public for the inauguration of Ceccaldi Square, at the corner of Rue des Fusiliers and Rue de la Marne, which they have completely redeveloped. The approach is part of the greening plan launched in 2019 by the municipality.

Pascal Paris-Boe, director of the green spaces department, who led the work to transform the square, explains: “We started the square transformation project at the end of 2023. The transformation was necessary due to climate change which made the plantations unsuitable and some had even disappeared. So we completely redesigned the square, we redesigned the paths and the plant palette to adapt it to the exposure and the ground. We also installed more benches and shaded areas, as well as picnic tables.”

Pascal and his teams have also developed a collaborative application with a plant library: “There is a forum in the app that allows people to chat with the city’s gardeners and other Meldois to share advice.”

Marion, at her stand, was handing out tomato plants, plants and vegetables grown in the greenhouses of the city’s green spaces department. With her colleagues, she was handing out the plants and had also organized a workshop to teach the art of repotting. She gave advice to the public, who were visibly happy to receive the plants, and presented the tomato plants offered: “There are cherry tomatoes, horned tomatoes, red and also yellow Andes tomatoes, and this year, a little nod to the Olympic Games with the Olympus tomato.”

Cécile, for her part, had organized two games. In the first, it was about recognizing scents, the second proposed recognizing materials by touch. Samy, a walker from Méldois, lent himself to the game of scents.

The small square, on the path of the neighborhood’s schoolchildren and parents, will be, according to the city’s gardeners, a place of well-being. In homage to Daniel Ceccaldi, actor and director born in Meaux in 1927, the square has been redesigned with aromatic plants, scented shrubs and other fragrant flowers, magnolias, lavender, eucalyptus, rose bushes, jasmine… a collection of plant scents.



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