a plan launched to save lives

a plan launched to save lives
a plan launched to save lives

Du never seen before. In 2023, seven people died by drowning in the marina of La Rochelle, in Les Minimes and in the Vieux Port. This sad toll was “two per year in previous years”, specifies Patrick Bernier of the port security service. This figure is so alarming that it convinced the marina to launch an “anti-drowning plan”. The actions carried out are aimed at both port users and the general public.

Because, of these seven drowned people, only two were boaters. The others have nothing to do with boating. It is often an accidental fall when leaving a bar or nightclub, mainly in the Old Port. The student office is therefore one of the targets for communication and awareness. “These accidents occur more particularly between May and July, during periods of high attendance,” analyzes Patrice Bernier.

“A ladder can save a life”

The first action is aimed at boaters. They are invited to make their boat’s swimming ladder “operational”. “In marinas, emergency ladders on pontoons, whether fixed or mobile, are essential,” describes the marina. “However, in the event of a fall into the water, it can be difficult to reach them, especially when you have to make your way between the boats present.” Thus, Patrice Bernier remembers a boater who slipped while jumping from his boat to moor it. He tried to grab his ladder, in vain. He drowned. “In an emergency situation, the natural reflex is to look for a swimming ladder at the back of a boat or to try to locate a skirt or a swimming platform. These devices, which are now commonplace, could save lives. Unfortunately, these ladders are sometimes inaccessible, attached with a bungee cord or poorly maintained.”

Even though ladders must remain freely accessible, they are not always visible. A sticker will be distributed to boaters to indicate that their ladder is operational.

Boaters are invited to place this sticker at their ladder.

Repro La Rochelle Marina


At the same time, communication and awareness-raising operations will be carried out with students and during events around the activity at sea. A census of safety equipment will also be launched to “plan possible projects in the years to come, for example the barrier around the doors of the Bassin des Tralutiers.” This place is a black spot. It is not uncommon for tourists not to see the space between the lock and the quay and to fall while wanting to admire a boat. The last accident, without seriousness, took place last April.

The marina will also participate in exercises with the firefighters. Fortunately, falls in the basins do not always end dramatically. In 2023, 20 people were saved after falling into the port. This year, the toll is one death. The body of a woman was recovered from the Bassin des Chalutiers on June 18.



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