Here is the least expensive house for sale in Quebec in July 2024

Here is the least expensive house for sale in Quebec in July 2024
Here is the least expensive house for sale in Quebec in July 2024

Like every month, 24 hours has combed through property listing sites to find the cheapest house on the Quebec market. Here is the one for July.

(Note: there is a house that sells for even less, but we left it aside since we already told you about it in a previous article. If you liked the $40,000 house that we talked about last April, you should know that it is still for sale and its price was lowered to $20,000!)

The house in question is a two-bedroom bungalow listed for just $24,900. All rooms are on the ground floor.


One reason for this low selling cost is that, by the advertiser’s own admission, it “needs renovations to shine again.”



You can view the full ad with all the photos ici.

The bungalow is located in a residential area of ​​the town of Fort-Coulonge, in Outaouais, very close to the border with Ontario.

To give you an idea of ​​the distances, this town of some 1,400 inhabitants is approximately 1.5 hours by road from Gatineau, and 3.5 hours from Montreal.

This is an interesting place for outdoor enthusiasts.

• Read also: Buy or rent: what is the winning strategy in 2024?

Cheaper than municipal assessment

The house is listed at a price considerably lower than the municipal assessment.

The property assessment role shows that the house and its land have a value of $70,100.

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