In Paris, the Popular Front calls on Macronists to rally behind it

Paris, report

Standing in the middle of the crowd at Place de la République, Étienne frantically scrolls through the results on his smartphone. Paris, Lyon, Lille… The 22-year-old is examining the number of constituencies where elections could take place « triangular » – configurations where three candidates will have to face each other in the second round of the legislative elections. « There are plenty of them, especially in the North. It scares me a lot. »he confides.

The results of the first round of the legislative elections, announced a few hours earlier on Sunday 30 June, hit him like a hammer blow. The far-right National Rally and its allies came out on top, as the polls had predicted (33.1 % of the vote nationwide), followed by the New Popular Front, a group of left-wing parties (27.99 %). The presidential coalition (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons) finished well behind: its candidates only obtained 20.76 % voices.

Etienne, a left-wing sympathiser, on Place de la République, where the New Popular Front has called for a rally against the far right.
© NnoMan Cadoret / Reporterre

With these results, the National Rally could obtain 260 to 310 seats in parliament. An absolute majority (289 seats) therefore seems within reach – unless the votes of the electors are carried over to the second round, or even if certain candidates in an unfavourable situation in three-way races withdraw. And precisely: in view of the high turnout – 66.7 % – there could be 285 to 315 cases of triangulars in France [1]. Figures are much higher than two years ago, since only eight constituencies had this configuration during the second round of the legislative elections.

Left-wing supporters fear that the presidential coalition candidates will refuse to withdraw if they come third in their three-way race.
© NnoMan Cadoret / Reporterre

Those who qualify now have until Tuesday, July 2 at 6 p.m. to declare themselves candidates – or not – for the second round. « I am looking forward to Tuesday with great impatience. »says Etienne, since the unrest in the Place de la République, where the New Popular Front has called for a rally against the far right. The young man fears that the candidates of the presidential coalition will refuse to withdraw, in the event that they come third in their three-way race, and thus lead to the victory of a far-right candidate. « This would be the last act of everything they have done before to serve as a stepping stone to the National Rally.the young man believes. They will be responsible before History. »

Macronists’ Blur

Within minutes of the first estimates of the vote, the New Popular Front announced its position. « In accordance with our principles and our constant positions in all previous elections, nowhere will we allow the RN [Rassemblement national] to take it awayasserted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, figure of La France insoumise, since the QG of his party. Therefore, if he came in first while we were only in third place, we would withdraw our candidacy. » He insisted, to applause and cheers. « Bravos ! » activists: « In all circumstances, […] Our instruction is simple, direct and clear: not one more vote, not one more seat for the RN ! » On the Macronists’ side, however, there remains a certain vagueness.

« It’s not a waste of time “, Callista estimates.
© NnoMan Cadoret / Reporterre

In a written statement communicated to theAFPthe President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron first called for « a broad gathering clearly democratic and republican » facing the National Rally. From the Hôtel de Matignon, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal then affirmed that « not a single vote should go to the National Rally »and called for « vote for candidates who defend the Republic ».

It remains to be seen, however, whether the two men will include the candidates of La France Insoumise in this gathering — this is not, they announced, the case for Édouard Philippe and Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy. Indeed, for years, Emmanuel Macron and his allies have continued to claim that the left-wing party would be « extreme » and would not be part of « the republican arch » – unlike the other parties of the New Popular Front, such as the Socialist Party or the Ecologists.

© NnoMan Cadoret / Reporterre

« It remains confusing, too confusing for people who nevertheless benefited from your votes in 2017 and 2022. »denounced Olivier Faure, national secretary of the Socialist Party, during a speech late in the evening on the Place de la République. He continued: « None of you have given your voice to the far right, and sometimes you have even made the effort to come and vote for them. So now it is their turn to make sure that the far right cannot govern. ! »

Same angle of attack from Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists: « They claim to be humanists, democratic, and republicans. ? Now we’ll see if they really are. ! Let them come, let them help us build a new republican front around our program ! »she said on stage.

The hope of “ limit the damage » July 7

« We expect the same clarity from the Macronists as what Mélenchon said. »says Romeo, 18, from the Place de la République, holding the green flag of the Young Ecologists. Even if the young man admits: « I don’t expect much from them. They have not stopped demonizing La France Insoumise, and consequently giving respect to the National Rally. »

The impunity of far-right sympathisers frightens Sarah, 21: the election results have “ free the fascists ».
© NnoMan Cadoret / Reporterre

However, some withdrawals are already worth noting. The outgoing MP for the Rhône, Sarah Tanzilli (presidential coalition), announced her withdrawal, leaving room for a duel between La France Insoumise and the National Rally in the second round. « We will withdraw wherever our candidates are not able to win against the RNincluding in front of a candidate LFI »also stated, more clearly than Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel Attal, the Renaissance senator of Hauts-de-Seine, Xavier Iacovelli, on the France Info set.

« Among the people we see every day, a good number of them hate us. »

Until Tuesday 6pm, eyes will therefore be fixed on these withdrawals or these maintenances of candidacy. Then the next deadline will be Sunday 7 July, the day of the second round. On the Place de la République, on the evening of 30 June, there were clearly two camps: the pessimists, and those who force themselves to believe in it. « I have little hope that the left will win an absolute majority. But we must at least try to limit the damage. »says Sylvain, 49, who belongs to the first category. His face closed, his age clearly contrasts with the youth mobilized on site.

Facing 10.7 million voters for the RN : the fear

Further on, Callista, 20, is part of the second category. The young girl dances with her friends to the chorus of the song Resists by France Gall. A victory for the New Popular Front, in a week ? « It’s not a waste of timeCallista estimates. If there are withdrawals in cases where there are three candidates, it is still possible. In any case, I cannot not believe it. »

Because the stakes are high. If the National Rally came to power, it would be an antisocial and racist policy that would be put in place. In Paris, tonight, young people are perfectly aware of this. Pressed against her friend Malo, Sarah, 21, wears the veil. It is not even the program of the RN What scares him most is the feeling of impunity that the party’s success has aroused among some far-right activists. « There have been many assaults [de personnes racisées et LGBT] since the results of the European electionsshe notes. It freed the fascists. »

If the National Rally came to power, an anti-social and racist policy would be put in place.
© NnoMan Cadoret / Reporterre

In total, more than 10.7 million people voted for the far-right party in the election. « I feel anger, sadness. It means that among the people we see every day, a good number hate us. » Sarah also hopes that a republican front will quickly be put in place to prevent an absolute majority of National Rally deputies. « On the left, it’s clear, there will be withdrawals. On the right, it’s more vague. As usual, everyone says something different, they have to agree. »



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