SENEGAL-RELIGIONS-TRANSPORT / Magal de Touba: Dakar Dem Dikk will facilitate the transport of pilgrims, according to its general director – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-RELIGIONS-TRANSPORT / Magal de Touba: Dakar Dem Dikk will facilitate the transport of pilgrims, according to its general director – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-RELIGIONS-TRANSPORT / Magal de Touba: Dakar Dem Dikk will facilitate the transport of pilgrims, according to its general director – Senegalese Press Agency

Diourbel, July 1 (APS) – The general director of Dakar Dem Dikk, Assane Mbengue, announced, Monday, in Diourbel (center), an increase in the number of buses in circulation between Touba (center) and the other cities of the country, during the next Magal scheduled for August 23 or 24, to facilitate the transport of pilgrims.

“We plan to increase the number of buses during the period of the great Magal of Touba, with our Senegal Dem Dikk service, one week before the religious event,” he promised.

Mr. Mbengue was taking part in a preparatory meeting for this religious event commemorating the exile in Gabon of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba (1853-1927), the founder of the Mouride Muslim brotherhood.

The meeting took place under the chairmanship of the governor of Diourbel (centre), Ibrahima Fall, and Serigne Bassirou Mbacké Abdou Khadre, the spokesman for the general caliph of the Mourides.

The general director of Dakar Dem Dikk assures that technical teams from the said national transport company will be deployed between Touba and other cities in the country.

They will be equipped with a geolocation system, which will facilitate their tasks, according to Mr. Mbengue.

The transport company will increase the departure points of passengers from other cities to Touba, while maintaining its prices.

The general coordinator of the Magal organizing committee, Serigne Ousmane Mbacké, said he hoped that Dakar Dem Dikk would facilitate the transportation of pilgrims and avoid any increase in fares. “We hope that the necessary efforts will be made in this direction,” he said.




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