Vouillé stands out for its particularly high participation rate

Vouillé stands out for its particularly high participation rate
Vouillé stands out for its particularly high participation rate

Opening the municipal council meeting this Monday, 1is July 2024, the mayor of Vouillé, Franck Portz, welcomed the turnout of his fellow citizens: 77.53%, a rate well above the national average. On the eve of an undecided second round, marked by the presence of a three-way race, the mayor said he wanted to continue working calmly, with an elected official “who will defend the general interest, without discrimination”.

After this preamble, the agenda was examined. The elected officials renewed the agreement signed with the Jardins de Jeanne residence, to allow young people who occupy the childhood and youth space to meet the elders attending this establishment.

Pocket money. The system, presented by Gwénaëlle Raimbault, has been renewed: « Thirteen young people from the town, aged 16 and 17, have been selected to benefit from this scheme. They will be able, for compensation, to work in different departments (entertainment, environment, culture, catering).

Social housing. The mayor then raised the issue of social housing. Three housing units had been selected for over two years now, but the social landlord has been slow to build them. Faced with this delay, the mayor wants to change strategy and start work quickly using another formula, so as to comply with the standards inherent in municipalities with over 3,500 inhabitants. « “We will have to reach a construction rate of 10%, under penalty of financial sanctions; we are only at 2%.”

École. Furthermore, Franck Portz reported on the situation of the redevelopment of the nursery school: « The preliminary design study has made it possible to establish an initial estimate of the cost, which amounts to 1.4 million euros. An option for the installation of photovoltaic panels has been added. In any case, it must be confirmed by a final preliminary design study in September.

Job. Regarding employment, four positions have been created, in the form of renewable fixed-term contracts, in the regional planning and animation divisions, to support the increase in activity and compensate for the retirement of Didier Sicot on July 10. Two managers in the CVAT division (living environment and regional planning) have been provided for a full-time position of engineer and principal territorial engineer.

Divers. Upcoming cultural and leisure events: meeting this Thursday, July 4, with the young Europeans who host the Eurochestries music festival (at 8:30 p.m., at the CMS, free entry). For July 14, possibility of seeing, in the multipurpose room, the Euro final (football), in case the French team qualifies. In September, Basque evening on Saturday 7 and association forum with the reception of new residents on Sunday 8.

The use of the space reserved for eco-grazing located along the nursery school car park has been delayed for technical reasons.



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