2024 legislative elections in Yvelines. In the 2nd constituency Jean-Noël Barrot, in the lead, but jostled

2024 legislative elections in Yvelines. In the 2nd constituency Jean-Noël Barrot, in the lead, but jostled
2024 legislative elections in Yvelines. In the 2nd constituency Jean-Noël Barrot, in the lead, but jostled


Marie Vermeersch

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 5:36 PM

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Like the heavyweights of Macron’s party in Yvelines, and just like in 2022, Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate for Europe, came out on top on the evening of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections with 35.01% of the vote. He is thus almost 9 points ahead of the environmentalist candidate invested by the New Popular Front, Maïté Carrive-Bédouani, who totaled 26.29% of the vote and is still hesitating this Monday 1is July 2024 to to maintain au second tour face au RN.

Support from the mayors of the Chevreuse Valley for Jean-Noël Barrot

Indeed, unlike two years ago, RN candidate Gaëtan Brault significantly increased his score with 21.81% of the vote compared to 8.45% in 2022. The high turnout in these elections undoubtedly contributed to this.

On the evening of the first round, Jean-Noël Barrot thanked “the voters who trusted us and put us in the lead. From now on, I call on all those who identify with the Republic to cast their votes for our candidacy in the second round in a context where the National Rally has never been so close to gain power“On July 7, the future of France is at stake and I call with all my heart for a democratic revival,” insists the minister, who has remained anchored in his territory despite his national functions.

It was in the Chevreuse Valley where he recorded his best scores, reaching 46.07% of the vote in Saint-Lambert-des-Bois, 43.7% in Lévis-Saint-Nom and 42.5% in Dampierre-en-Yvelines. During the campaign, emblematic mayors of the valley, traditionally anchored on the right, had already expressed their desire to vote for Jean-Noël Barrot, presented as the candidate most capable of countering the extremes.

No voting instructions Pascal Thévenot

The outgoing MP could benefit in the second round from the transfer of votes from Pascal Thévenot (LR), mayor of Vélizy-Villacoublay, who collected 14.51% of the votes. Even if the latter indicates: “I have never given voting instructions and I am not going to start. The voters do not care and this stew “It annoys them,” notes the mayor, disappointed with his result.

“I thought that for these elections, citizens could have voted out of conviction. But the pressure from certain elected officials and the media pushed them to vote by default, for fear of the extremes.”

Pascal Thévenot
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Pascal Thévenot’s votes could also shift to the National Rally candidate, even if he has little local presence. It is in Versailles, part of the city of which belongs to the 2e constituency, that Gaëtan Brault achieved his best score with 29.46% of the votes. A logical score in this part of the city which notably includes the Satory districtaccustomed to placing far-right candidates at the top.

“We create hope”

Voters in Vélizy-Villacoublay voted for the candidate of the New Popular Front, Maïté Carrive-Bedouani, who finished first, ahead of Jean-Noël Barrot and Mayor Pascal Thévenot with 26.68%. She also achieved good scores in Magny-les-Hameaux (32.2%) and Viroflay (30.1%).

“I am qualified for the second round with this very good score in Vélizy. In a dynamic, at the local level, we create hope. But the priority today is the national issue with the imminent danger of the National Rally which represents a threat to France that we must take into account.”

Maïté Carrive-Bedouani

Does this mean that the candidate of the New Popular Front would be ready to withdraw in order to block the RN? Candidates have until Tuesday, July 2, 6 p.m., to validate their candidacy at the prefecture.

Result 1is turn on the 2e Constituency: Jean-Noël Barrot (Together for the Republic): 35.01%. Maïté Carrive-Bédouani (New Popular Front): 26.29%. Gaëtan Brault (RN): 21.81%. Pascal Thévenot (New Energy): 14.51%.

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