2024 Legislative Elections: An Unprecedented Mobilization

2024 Legislative Elections: An Unprecedented Mobilization
2024 Legislative Elections: An Unprecedented Mobilization

An impressive turnout for this first round of legislative elections: 66.71%. All age groups in society went to the polls this Sunday to swing an election that would allow the National Rally to govern the country for the first time.

It is 8 p.m., the result is in, astonishment is in the ranks, particularly in that of the New Popular Front and in that of “Together for the Republic”.

Joy and clamor for the National Rally in Hénin-Beaumont where Marine le Pen is the first to speak, and declares her victory in the constituency of this same city.

In a statement to AFP, Emmanuel Macron called for a broad Republican and Democratic rally against the RN, which will be relayed in the evening by his Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal.

For the New Popular Front, it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who also calls for blocking the RN by asking the NFP candidates to withdraw if they come third, that is to say behind the RN or behind a candidate either Together for the Republic or The Republicans.

At the Rhône level, nothing is going as planned.

In some constituencies, the initial plan is not necessarily respected. Some Republican elected officials, notably Samuel Soulier, elected from the 6th arrondissement, and Grégory Sansoz, LR candidate in the first round of the legislative elections in Lyon, are calling above all to beat the two candidates of the New Popular Front, Anais Belouassa-Cherifi and Sandrine Runel, in the 1st and 4th constituencies. In the other two constituencies (2nd and 3rd), the Greens are dominating the debates, with the added re-election of Marie-Charlotte Garin.

In the circuses outside Lyon, things are getting tense!

The Villeurbanne constituency is the scene of a settling of scores on the left, between Jean Paul Bret and the municipal team of the same party. Indeed since 2022, the former mayor of Villeurbanne hardly appreciates the presence of the rebellious deputy Gabriel Amard. You should know that the PS of Villeurbanne offers it (the constituency) on a red carpet.

In the 5th district of Rhône, there will be three protagonists for the second round of the legislative elections; Blandine Brocard (Together for the Republic), Fabrice Matteucci (PS/NFP) first federal secretary of the PS Rhône is looking for a first significant political victory to ensure his authority within a PS which is looking for a new Rhône leader and the RN will be represented by Sasha Bitoum.

A vote still undecided where there are still 315 triangulars, that is to say more than half of the Assembly which will be decided in the second round. A breathtaking suspense that reshuffles the cards of French executive power. Answer in the polls, July 7.



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