The Act respecting health information and social services now in force

The Act respecting health information and social services now in force
The Act respecting health information and social services now in force

The Health and Social Services Information Act, which should allow the creation of a digital health record following the patient’s journey, came into force in Quebec on Monday.

According to the Legault government, this law will allow patients to no longer have to repeat their medical history to each health network provider they consult.

Indeed, the law must ensure that his medical history, previous consultations and other data follow him in his care journey.

According to the Health Minister’s office, patient information will be well protected. The individual will be able to view their own information and know who has viewed it.

Under certain conditions, researchers may also use data for research projects, with the implicit consent of patients.

The Access to Information Commission will be responsible for monitoring the application of the law and ensuring compliance with and promotion of the protection of information, in particular through awareness-raising means.

In a press release published in June, the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, stressed that this law is part of his efforts to make the health network more efficient.

“With the entry into force of the law, we are taking a major step forward so that Quebecers have a better experience in their health and social services network. This is another of the in-depth changes to the Health Plan that we have been making for two years now,” declared Mr. Dubé.

The Health and Social Services Information Bill was introduced in December 2022 and passed on March 30 of the following year.

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