The Ultimate Ninja Course, a successful 3rd edition in Senneterre

The Ultimate Ninja Course, a successful 3rd edition in Senneterre
The Ultimate Ninja Course, a successful 3rd edition in Senneterre

Last Saturday, June 29, the André Dubé Sports Center in Senneterre hosted the cream of the Ninjas with the Ultimate Ninja Course in Senneterre, which was in its third edition. The young participants came from various places in the region to spend a great afternoon and demonstrate their know-how while having fun on obstacles designed for two categories, including the Bout-chou Course for the little ones, i.e. from 2 to 5 years old and the Parcours Casse-cou for older children from 6 to 13 years old.

Organized by the CPE Bout’chou et Casse-cou as part of its fundraising campaign, the event attracted more than 240 young participants, which represents a huge success. Note that all profits from this event will be used to renew the toys of the CPE Bout’chou et Casse-cou and the Pavillon Lisette Branconnier.

The event is usually held at the Pavillon Lisette Branconnier, but given the weather forecast, the organizing committee decided to move it to the Centre Sportif André Dubé. However, this year, neither covid nor forest fires were part of it. They have been responsible for a few years of cancellations, so it was certainly not the rain that would have prevented the young people from experiencing this day.

In addition to snacks and drinks awaiting the mini sportsmen, they were also able to take tours and learn more about the shifts of firefighters, ambulance drivers and police officers who took part in the game with a tour of their vehicles.

Keep your eyes peeled for the 4th edition next year. Will we discover future Ninjas?



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