Belgium smashes 119-year-old rainfall record

Belgium smashes 119-year-old rainfall record
Belgium smashes 119-year-old rainfall record

According to the monthly climate report from the Royal Meteorological Institute (IRM) published this Monday July 1, the month of June 2024 was the ninth month consecutive period of above-average precipitation, setting a new all-time record in Belgium.

This ninth consecutive month with excess precipitation constitutes an absolute record. The previous record dates back to the year 1905, during which eight consecutive months of above-average rainfall were recorded. According to the monthly report of the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) published this Monday, 73.7 mm of rain fell in Uccle in June 2024, compared to an average of 70.8 mm. The highest daily total in this region was recorded on June 18 with 17.6 mm.

It has never rained so much in 119 years

Across the entire IRM climatological network, the highest daily total was measured on June 29. In Frassem (Arlon), 52.8 mm of precipitation fell on that date. Across the entire territory of Belgiumprecipitation was lowest on the coast (around 55% of the normal amount), while the highest precipitation was recorded in Belgian Lorraine (around 135% of the normal amount).

Furthermore, 11 days of storms were observed throughout the country last month. In Uccle, temperatures were below their respective normals for most of the month. Until June 22, the average temperature was 14.5°C, compared to the normal of 16.3°C. However, from June 23, temperatures began to increase, bringing the average for June 2024 to 16.0°C.

Duration of sunshine in June below average

During the last month, the lowest minimum temperature was recorded on June 13 in Neu-Hattlich (Eupen), with 1.3°C. The highest maximum temperature was recorded on June 26 in Buggenhout, reaching 32.2°C. According to l’IRMthe duration of sunshine was below average across the country in June.

After 22 days, only 97 hours and 21 minutes of sunshine had been recorded in Uccle, compared to 141 hours and 34 minutes for the norm. This represents the fourth lowest value for the current reference period, still far from the record of 70 hours and 50 minutes of 1995.

From June 23, however, the sun was more presentThe total duration of sunshine for the last month is therefore finally just below normal, with 186 hours of sunshine recorded in Uccle (normal: 199 hours and 16 minutes), the IRM underlines in its report.



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