In Rezé, the meeting of the Agités d’la Cale cancelled due to the legislative elections

In Rezé, the meeting of the Agités d’la Cale cancelled due to the legislative elections
In Rezé, the meeting of the Agités d’la Cale cancelled due to the legislative elections

For more than ten years, Les Agités d’la cale has reserved the first Saturday in July to ignite the Quai de l’Échouage, in the Haute-Île district. It is a festive event much appreciated by an audience from everywhere, where the arts rub shoulders with music in a good atmosphere with meals on the banks of the Loire. In 2024, Les Agités d’la cale (named after the organizing association) temporarily becomes the dejected of the hold, even the rebels of the hold”.

Due to the legislative elections, the usual meeting cannot take place. The town hall warned us that due to the preparation of the polling stations, it would not be able to provide us with and deliver the municipal equipment we need: stage, tables, chairs, benches… We can only cancel the demonstration “, regret Judith Daugan and Marina Bogard, two of the organizers of this meeting, the first issue of which dates from 2010.

“This meeting is important for the public”

They say understand the importance of the issue and the need to go and vote, but we are still very angry. We are part of the associative ferment that makes the region rich. At our small level, we work for cultural diversity, access to culture for all and solidarity. We see, every year, with the many volunteers who accompany us, how important, in an uncertain world, this event is for the public. However, we are making an appointment for next year, with a strong will and a high spirits.”



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