The Saint-Pierre-Quiberon badminton club wants to return to competition

The Saint-Pierre-Quiberon badminton club wants to return to competition
The Saint-Pierre-Quiberon badminton club wants to return to competition

Change of name, logo, but above all resumption of competition and affiliation with the French Badminton Federation (FFBaD), there are numerous projects within the Saint-Pierre Olympic club (Spoc). They were discussed on Friday June 28, during the general assembly, at the Saint-Pierre-Quiberon sports hall.

Return to competition

There are 40 members (22 from Quiberon, twelve from Saint-Pierre and six from Plouharnel) this season at Spoc. A number that continues to increase after the collapse suffered during the pandemic. This newfound dynamism therefore makes it possible to consider being present in competition again. “To do this, we need to be affiliated with the FFBaD, which implies a significant increase in the amount of membership fees,” explained the president, Sylvestre Hervé. We are therefore looking for a partner, and we are going to apply for subsidies from the two municipalities on the peninsula.”

Find a unifying identity

All members will be consulted soon in order to find a new name for the club. The goal is to have a more unifying identity and to register more throughout the territory. Sylvestre Hervé was re-elected president, Amandine Roger is treasurer, Jonathan Le Pimpec becomes secretary, Pascal Pochon, assistant secretary and Steven Hervé responsible for “youth”. Julie Berthon, Sébastien Besnault and Camille Pautrat join the board of directors.



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