NÎMES Nicolas Stevanović conquers Hérault

NÎMES Nicolas Stevanović conquers Hérault
NÎMES Nicolas Stevanović conquers Hérault

On July 2, Nîmes entrepreneur Nicolas Stevanović will open his third NS Concept store, this time in Montpellier.

After Nîmes and Nice, Nicolas Stevanović crosses the Vidourle and launches “NS Concept” in Montpellier. The Franco-Serbian entrepreneur will celebrate this first day of opening in the capital of Hérault on July 2. This idea has been maturing in his head for about two years, due to network similarities with French Rome.

“We have a good portfolio of around sixty loyal customers, who buy a few suits, shirts, jeans and shoes every year.”justifies Nicolas Stevanović. After having searched for many months for premises without finding what he wanted and having launched his workshop “AS Retouche” at the same time, the Montpellier project could find a second wind.

“It was the time for us to go and conquer the market. We will be the only ones there to make tailor-made women’s suits and men’s suits, jeans and made-to-measure shoes”explains the former footballer. The long-term goal will be to do as in Nîmes, by installing a second alterations shop next to the one that will be opening soon.

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This desire to go higher is not insignificant for Nicolas Stevanović, who is having his best start to the year in Nîmes since the opening of his business. Nice is not left out either: “It took us a good year to make ourselves known”he comments. “We are starting to dress more and more politicians, business leaders too, until we attract customers from Cannes”he continues.

The next step ? The ready-to-wear boutique for men and children, with the idea of ​​satisfying customers in a hurry and why not, matching outfits: “We have customers who have been buying from us for a long time and who want a shirt at the last second: they still come hoping that we can reduce the lead time to two weeks, but we can’t.”Nicolas specifies. The name is already there: “Orlovi”, which means “the eagles” in Serbian, its opening could happen in 2025.



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