Weather: an average week ahead, but don’t panic for the rest of the summer, “heat after July 10, and especially in August”

Weather: an average week ahead, but don’t panic for the rest of the summer, “heat after July 10, and especially in August”
Weather: an average week ahead, but don’t panic for the rest of the summer, “heat after July 10, and especially in August”

So here we are in July, with a few more short days of school for the youngest children before the real start of the holidays. And this year, no jealousy towards the Flemings, since this first week does not look very positive sky-wise. We will have to reckon with rain on Tuesday and Wednesday, and to a lesser extent until the end of the week. “We will find typically Belgian weather, very variable, with rain almost every day, but also large clearings.summarizes Pascal Mormal, meteorologist at the IRM. On the other hand, temperatures will have difficulty exceeding – or even reaching – 20 degrees, but this will rise in view of the weekend to return to around seasonal averages.

Heavy thunderstorms in Belgium on Saturday evening: hail and strong gusts of wind, one province on orange alert, two on yellow alert

It is therefore once again a northwesterly maritime flow which will dominate the Belgian weather in the coming days, after a nice episode of heat punctuated by fairly violent storms. But, don’t panic, we don’t seem to be heading back into a nine-month blockage at all. “Next week will be milder and drier, with a new summer signal around July 10“, reassures Pascal Mormal.

In France, we are even pointing to the start of the Olympic Games (July 26) as entering a truly summery and hot phase.In Belgium too, the second half of July will potentially be hot, and August is expected to be even hotter and drier, in fact.“, says our meteorologist.

The sun is finally back: 25 degrees, for the first time in June, but no long period of good weather in sight yet, “summer will be normal”

All this while the month of June ended with a cumulative rainfall slightly above average.This is the ninth consecutive month where this is the case, he says. This is unheard of since records began in 1892. However, we are completing a relatively normal month with an average of 16 degrees, compared to 16.7 degrees for the reference period 1911-2020. In fact, 16 degrees is warmer than the averages of the 70s or 80s. This puts things into perspective.“, he concludes.



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