Legislative elections in Seine-et-Marne: despite being 3rd, MP Aude Luquet holds on and leads to a three-way race

Legislative elections in Seine-et-Marne: despite being 3rd, MP Aude Luquet holds on and leads to a three-way race
Legislative elections in Seine-et-Marne: despite being 3rd, MP Aude Luquet holds on and leads to a three-way race


William Lackaille

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 6:16 a.m.

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THE results are very tight. In the 1re constituency of Seine-et-Marne, the gap between the New Popular Front and thealliance LR-RN is only played 159 votes. In third positionAude Luquet, the outgoing MP the majority still wishes maintain oneself. If the instructions evoke a indentation for the second tour, the chosen one imposes a triangular by continuing his campaign.

A breakthrough for the LR-RN alliance

Arrival in second placeit’s a ramp up very marked on the part of thealliance of the right (The Republicans and the National Rally). Incarnated in the 1re constituency par Théo Michelthis union proves itself with 32.95% of ballots cast“We are never certain of the result until citizens go to the polls,” explains the candidate.

However, it remains convinced that his proposal has something to bring to the local territory : “It is a score which reflects the national dynamics. I don’t want this constituency falls into the hands of a candidate who wears values ​​contrary to the Republica candidate of Mélanchon,” supports Théo Michel.

Faced with his left-wing opponent, he calls for a even larger gathering than in the first round. In fact, he invites residents to vote against ” the chaos of the National Assembly“, joining him in to block Arnaud Saint-Martin. “I’m calling today the voters of Aude Luquet which can be found in my convictions. I defend the economic freedoma tax cut for households…”, he adds.

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The confirmed progress of the New Popular Front

For his part, Arnaud Saint-Martin (New Popular Front) also celebrates this first victory. “The dynamic that has been established is fantastic,” he declares, not without enthusiasm. Going from 27% of the votes cast in the first round in 2022, it now reaches 33.31% in the first round in the constituency. “We could see that the youth were strongly mobilized“, he assures.

It remains nevertheless very alarmed on the configuration of this second round and in particular in the face of his right-wing opponent: “It’s a parachute. This Mr. Théo Michel knows nothing about the territory. I didn’t even see him attend the results. He claims to embody a alternative responsablebut it has made a pact with the far right and I would be surprised if the majority electorate, moderate and attached to the Republic, joined this candidate.”

This second round is like a new campaign which begins for the candidate for deputy. He is aware of abstention rate amounting to 36.11% and detects a additional electorate potential to consolidate his election.

“Everything that was said by the RN on dual nationalsthe French who would not be, the economic decline in favor of the bourgeoisie… These are policies anti-social which will destroy solidarity and sort out the French, coming sow the seeds of chaos“, he worries.

He also calls for the barrage be done, against the extreme rightand invites Aude Luquet to join this position. “In the event of third place, I would not have trembled and I would have withdrawn. The most basic gesture is to block.”

An elected official not yet defeated

But if the left and right blocks are competing for the first step and countingsupport the electorate of the outgoing MP to strengthen their score, the latter will not not let yourself beArriving in third place with 29.04%, Aude Luquet is keen on to clarify the situation near The Republic of Seine-et-Marne : “There may be some instructions of the majoritybut we also have our exchanges within the Democratic Movement (MoDem). When we look at the scores, nothing is gained and nothing is lostthe difference does not represent not even 2,000 votes. »

There is no doubt that I will keep up!

Aude Luquet, outgoing MoDem MP

There is no for the outgoing elected official no reason who should push her to give up his place. ” I do not have nothing to blush from the score I made: 4,000 more votes than in 2022. It meets an expectation of do not vote either extreme right or extreme left” she insists.

She continues a little further: “I am in third positioncertainly, but we are not not far from each other“Giving up is not the signal to send. There are many voters who do not share the convictions of either the NFP or the RN.”

And second tour who will then be carried towards a triangularwhich risks once again bringing very close results !

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