The air quality indicator is coming to Lyon!

The air quality indicator is coming to Lyon!
The air quality indicator is coming to Lyon!

Since Wednesday, June 26, the Incity tower has been adorned with colors that indicate the air quality expected for the next day. An innovation that informs city dwellers while encouraging them to change their behavior towards a more environmentally friendly urban dynamic.

An informative color code

Every evening for an hour and a half, the top of the Caisse d’Epargne Auvergne Rhône Alpes tower will light up depending on the degree of air pollution. The palette will go blue/green (very good/good quality) to red/purple (bad/worrisome).

A two-stage awareness campaign

This project is supported by the Auvergne Rhône Alpes air quality observatory, Atmo. The aim is to draw the attention of the people of Lyon to a problem that is not very visible but nevertheless essential. This campaign called “Lighting is breathing” will be divided into two parts: first, the implementation of a daily illumination then one communication campaign regarding the correct actions to take depending on the colors appearing.

Air quality, a central issue

This materialization marks the desire to act on air quality and not be content with a passive position. This is for example adapt your actions for the next day : avoid a sporting activity, favor public transport if the indicator is bad… The final goal is that these decisions do not remain sporadic but lead to lasting awareness and decidedly more ecological habits !



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