The Theater and Senses Workshops take the stage at La Perle | Pays Basque

The Theater and Senses Workshops take the stage at La Perle | Pays Basque
The Theater and Senses Workshops take the stage at La Perle | Pays Basque

01 JUL 2024 – 13:55h

The theater association will unveil the three works that its students, adolescents and adults, have worked on this year, on July 5 and 6 in Saint-Pierre-d’Irube.

“It’s dizzying to see yourself in the eyes of others,” explains Sandrine Poujol. (© Association Théâtre et sens)

Dare to believe in your Je(u) and become the actor of your life!” For twelve years now, the Théâtre et sens workshops have been working to put their profession of faith within reach of their students in Saint-Pierre-d’Irube. And there is no age to start: the theater association opens its doors to both children and their elders. For each age, its workshop: pre-teens, adolescents and adults. A fourth one called “training” is added. “The groups do not bring together more than twelve students each”, specifies Sandrine Poujol, actress and director, at the origin of the associative structure.

“Adventure of common sense”

At twelve, the group is a space for personal and collective development. In these conditions, it is difficult for one to take precedence over the other. “Doing theater together also strengthens the group, towards an adventure of common sense. By connecting and respecting each personality, stage expression gives us the opportunity to speak, argue, search, understand, with the other. Drama is also a way to surpass oneself, to surprise oneself, to cultivate oneself, and to share with others,” the association intends to express.

“I pass on to my students what was passed on to me,” explains Sandrine Poujol. It was at the age of 19 that the woman who is an art therapist in her professional life joined the free class of the Florent courses in Paris. Over the years, essential encounters have marked his theatrical career: Gérard Bagardie, actor, director and author, artistic director of the Rideau Rouge, Virginie Mahé, director and actress and even Francis Huster in 1993.

Every year, the workshops follow the same temporal refrain. First, their first quarter is devoted to training students, between diction, understanding of dramatic art, etc. Then, the second quarter marks a dive into a play chosen by Sandrine Poujol, which she will adapt according to the students.

Finally, as the end of the school year rings out at the beginning of July, the Saint-Pierre d’Irube theatre, La Perle, will ring the three bells.

Three pieces for the general public

The Théâtre et sens workshops are preparing to take the stage at La Perle hall in Saint-Pierre d’Irube, on July 5 and 6. The day before, Sandrine Poujol will offer a theater workshop. The youngest will lead the way on the 5th, for one evening only. The two groups will take turns presenting the work they have worked on in previous months. On the program, Les Braquignoles by Olivier Tourancheau and The Factory of Falsifiers by Johan Corbard, both plays are directed by Sandrine Poujol. The scene is set: a quiet bank in the first, a school in the second, which teaches its students to become perfect doubles, “capable of taking the place of any deficient student at a moment’s notice.” The next day, it’s the adults who will take over and present Amour de job by Frédéric Dubost with, once again, Sandrine Poujol directing. A work in which mother and daughter are at the head of a “slightly outdated marriage agency where there is a lack of male clients”. But in all three pieces, the cogs seize up.



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