One Voice reveals images of mice subjected to forced swimming test in France ⋆ Savoir Animal

One Voice reveals images of mice subjected to forced swimming test in France ⋆ Savoir Animal
One Voice reveals images of mice subjected to forced swimming test in France ⋆ Savoir Animal

At the Magendie Neurocentre, on the premises of the University of Bordeaux, forced swimming is practiced on mice. The objective? Measure the time after which they give up all hope of living, with a view to studying the effectiveness of molecules against depression even though promising alternatives are largely underfunded. While INSERM put forward the most fallacious arguments to guarantee the opacity of the laboratory (such as the defense of “copyrights”), the legal victory of One Voice allows us today to reveal the images of these “ tests”.

Removed from their tiny, overcrowded cages and after being inoculated with the molecule whose effectiveness is being measured, each mouse is plunged into a tube filled with water. They begin by swimming frantically to try to find a way out, unsuccessfully trying to find grips to climb against the smooth walls. After long minutes of intense stress and panic, exhausted, they give up.

Just two years ago, we published images of these tests carried out in the United States. Today, after a fight against the laboratory’s desire to maintain silence on these practices, we can say with certainty that mice in France are suffering the same fate.

Beyond the experiments, the animals held and the humans working there have to endure the establishment’s many dysfunctions: flooding and fire safety issues, tropical temperatures and humidity in the animal facility… A few days ago, we demanded an immediate inspection! Revelations that probably prompted the center to quickly send us the images of forced swimming…

While European law requires, among other things, to “reduce” the number and “replace” animals in laboratories as much as possible in addition to “refining” experiments, we demand that the authorities massively finance alternative methods! If, like three out of four French people, you are against animal testing (IPSOS/One Voice 2023 survey), demand an end to these tests in France!

One Voice press release of May 6, 2024:
Life-size mice that “bubble” and swim in an Inserm laboratory. One Voice warns and calls for immediate control
Between two forced swimming sessions, the mice at the Magendie Neurocentre must endure tropical temperatures, extreme humidity levels and serial failures. Serious problems have recently affected this laboratory at the University of Bordeaux, affiliated with Inserm. One Voice alerts the competent authorities and demands immediate control.

Locked up by nearly 40 degrees with humidity levels reaching 75%: this is the hell experienced by the animals used in the Magendie Neurocentre. In 2022 and 2023, temperatures will exceed 30 degrees several times! Mice and employees literally “buzzed” for hours…
As if that were not enough, on two occasions in recent months, flooding has affected the areas where the animals are kept. Are these specialists in forced swimming, a practice that we have been fighting for several years – especially since there are alternatives that do not involve mice – trying to carry out full-scale tests? The water has also damaged the fire monitoring system, endangering the animals and employees.

Regarding the Magendie Neurocentre, it is an understatement to say that opacity reigns. In 2023, we met with those in charge of the University of Bordeaux to express our incomprehension at their persistence, without obtaining the slightest change… More recently, Inserm refused to send us the images of the forced swimming tests at name of the protection of its “copyrights”… Justice swept aside these arguments and ruled in our favor!
Today, we are writing to the laboratory, to Inserm and to the University so that the mice do not suffer further between experiments! We are also sending a letter to the Gironde prefecture and to the Ministry of Research so that an inspection can be carried out as soon as possible.
We ask the laboratories to systematically favor alternatives making it possible to avoid any animal suffering (through replacement animals by other methods). We also call on the public to sign our petition to demand an end to forced swimming tests and an end to animal testing and to write to the Minister of Higher Education and Research: Download the standard letter

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