Cantal: something new for the Croix de Cheules inn in Lascelle

Cantal: something new for the Croix de Cheules inn in Lascelle
Cantal: something new for the Croix de Cheules inn in Lascelle


Marie Boudon

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 4:26 PM

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There are places which, by their simple evocationrecall precious memories. The Croix de Cheules inn, perched on higher ground de Lascelle, is one of them.

Today she is reborn under the impulse innovation of Céline Bertrand, chef and founder of Casarosa, her company fooding. “A first event is planned the 5 of July 2024 and every Friday in July. This is only the beginning where we will offer theme evenings» , explains Céline Bertrand.

Book our first event at the Inn on Friday, July 5th

Celine Bertrand

The owners, children of the valley

Karine Lajarrige and Vincent Severac, owners since 2018are children of the valley. Their history with the inn goes back well before their acquisition. Vincent, who had worked here as seasonal had promised the previous owner thathe would take over the business if the opportunity arose. In 2018, this dream became reality for the couple, offering residents and visitors a warm and friendly place.

The building offers a restaurant room able to accommodate forty of guests, a bar and a cottage(one bedroom sleeping 6, two bedrooms sleeping 4). These installations, nestled as an extension of the ridge road are ideal for the hikers and cyclists attracted by the picturesque landscapes.

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The Coix de Cheules inn, open all year round for gîtes, every Friday evening in July. ©Marie Boudon

The arrival of Céline Bertrand

In 2020, the hostel was lively all year thanks to an employee manager. But with its departure in December 2023, the dormant inn only offers rooms in the gîte, the owners having a professional activity elsewhere.

It is in this context that Céline Bertrand, passionate about cookingand revitalization of iconic placessaw a opportunity . ” I am at Landstine since the launch of my activity but I was looking to revivea place in Cantal, there are so many places that deserve a new youth ” she explains enthusiastically.

Fooding as an art of living

For Céline, the terroir is an inexhaustible source d’inspiration. Its suppliers are exclusively local, and its talent lies in reinterpretation of traditional dishes Auvergne with touches Andalusian influences , Tuscan and many others, according to his inspiration of the moment. “As my inspiration dictates,” she smiles.

1st event on July 5th

July 1st will mark his official installation in the kitchens of the inn. To celebrate this new adventure, a first eventis planned for July 5: a “Casarosa-style” Paella evening. Reservations are open, a Facebook event will be created. To book your evening: 06 87 94 97 22 or by email: [email protected].

Open every Friday in July “to start”

Céline Bertrand does not intend to stop there. Her culinary talents will be available every Friday in July, then on order 42 hours in advance for birthdays, parties, and others friendly gatherings in the hostel premises.

Karine Lajarrige and Céline Bertrand. ©Marie Boudon

Karine, the owner, is delighted to this collaboration: “We have found our balance and even if I hope that one day a new manager will come to us, we are renting our kitchens to Céline to revive the place that reminds us so much of childhood memoriesof a large part of the Cantaliens, those who came eat a pancakeafter the Sunday stroll,” she confides with a nostalgic smile.

The Croix de Cheules inn comes back to life under a new daypromising to revive memories while creating new memories.

The Croix de Cheules inn, located at 1, Croix de Cheules, 15590 Lascelle. For reservations for lodgings: 06 63 00 46 56. To reserve the evening of July 5: 06 87 94 97 22 or by email: [email protected].

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