Sports during heat waves

Sports during heat waves
Sports during heat waves

When a heatwave is forecast, like the one we experienced recently, it is best to limit your sporting activities.

Although the first heatwave of summer has passed, it is far from the last.


“In the event of a heat wave or heatwave, whether or not activities are held is assessed on a case-by-case basis, depending on, in particular, the time the activity takes place, the location, and the target clientele. For the time being, the outdoor sports activities planned for this week, namely the dances, remain available to residents who wish to take part in them,” said Martine Verdon, spokesperson for the City of Saint-Bruno last week.

Sainte-Julie has also maintained its activities. “We are maintaining the activities, but we ask participants to reduce their intensity and drink plenty of water. In addition, we regularly post on our signs and social networks about the heat wave,” said Julie Martin, spokesperson for the City of Sainte-Julie.

For Saint-Basile-le-Grand, “Some activities could take place indoors due to the hot temperatures,” explained Stéphanie Plamondon, spokesperson for the City of Saint-Basile-le-Grand, who encourages citizens to go to the water games and the library to cool off during periods of extreme heat.

Municipalities are appealing to citizens’ civic-mindedness to avoid putting themselves in unnecessary danger and to take the necessary precautions.

“These are decisions that are made at the last minute based on actual weather conditions, not projected ones.” – David Trépanier


“These are decisions that are made at the last minute based on actual weather conditions, not projected ones. It’s clear that we don’t take these situations lightly. The City can, for its part, make the decision to close the parks unilaterally, which, by the same token, cancels our activities,” says David Trépanier of the Saint-Bruno Minor Baseball Association.

For example, on the evening of June 18, the mercury was 30°C with a perceived temperature of 42°C. Activities were maintained. “The games are in the evening and baseball is not a sport where players are hyperventilating. It is therefore more suited to heat. Often, coaches bring canvases for shelters in parks where there are none,” adds Mr. Trépanier.

The Montis Soccer Association’s training sessions also took place. However, the activities were less intense and the breaks were more frequent. If there are cancellations, a spokesperson for the association announces them on its social networks. This was not the case last week.

Effects of heat on health

In Canada, heat warnings are issued by Environment Canada when any of the following conditions are expected to last for at least one hour: a temperature of 30°C or more and a humidex index of 40 or more, and a temperature 40°C or more. During these periods, it is recommended to reduce physical exertion and plan your physical activities during the cooler periods of the day.

Several symptoms can occur during a heat wave: headaches, muscle cramps, swelling of the hands, feet and ankles, appearance of small red spots on the skin, unusual fatigue or exhaustion, general malaise, signs of dehydration (increased thirst, decreased need to urinate), dry skin, rapid pulse and breathing, nausea or vomiting.

  • The decision on whether or not to hold activities is made at the last minute based on actual weather conditions, not projected ones. (Photo: Archives)



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