The Montreal Feria celebrates its 10th anniversary

The Montreal Feria celebrates its 10th anniversary
The Montreal Feria celebrates its 10th anniversary

When mid-July approaches, Montreal is in full swing, the whole city is outdoors and everyone is waiting for their favorite event. For hundreds of Montrealers, the feria is a must, a homecoming for some. Dressed in white, with a bandana tied around their necks, they meet on Place Viger for a village festival full of fanfare. This Friday, July 12 will mark a special moment for the founders of the Féria de Montréal, who will celebrate its tenth anniversary.

A village festival

Most of you probably already know that ferias come from a region far from Quebec. They have their origins in the south-west of France, Spain, Portugal and Latin America… in short, from all the countries where bullfights and bull releases take place. The tradition around the feria (which means fair in Castilian), however, refers to something much more universal and unifying: the village festival.

And like any good tradition, it was inevitable that a handful of nostalgic French people wanted to transmit this concept to Quebecers. Yan Niesing and his friends took the lead ten years ago. These fans of brass band music and rugby, a sport closely linked to the culture of the south of France, brought their fever for major celebrations to their adopted city.

Montreal band (credit: Solène Broisin)

« During the third half, in rugby, we always met somewhere to celebrate with a beer. A friend played the trombone, and we got into the habit of playing a few songs with instruments, then the team would start singing “, remembers Yan Niesing, founder of the Montreal Feria. With his friends and their brass instruments, they ended up forming a banda, a fanfare typical of street parades in the southwest. They played at several parties, until organizing their first Montreal Feria in 2013, in the presence of a few hundred people.

Traditional codes of the southwest

The Montreal Feria takes up most of the feria traditions. You won’t escape the paquito (watch this video if you’ve never heard of it, the images speak for themselves), and you’ll sing along to classics of the French repertoire like Take me et Flower time. Also be prepared to hear many two-step.

Paquito at the Féria de Montréal, July 15, 2023 (credit: Solène Broisin)

« There are things that are difficult to transpose, like the fervor of the southwest, but the banda is present, and it is sacred “, underlines Olivier Sirey, a 29-year-old Frenchman. If this native of the southwest of France, the cradle of férias, does not find in Montreal the unique effervescence of his region, he is delighted to see bon vivants from all walks of life having fun together.

All equal for the duration of a party

At the Montreal Feria, it is the spirit of camaraderie that reigns. “We dress in red and white to erase social markers, like in carnivals. That day, everyone is equal, we party the same way, no VIP area, no privileges,” says Yan Niesing. It encourages you to wear comfortable clothing and not be afraid of getting dirty. After all, if your t-shirt is stained, it means the party was good.

For his part, Olivier Sirey appreciates the mix of communities. “It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are, where you come from, all that matters is that you are a good person,” underlines the participant.

The pride of being Montrealer

For Yan Niesing, the feria is much more than a simple festivity. “ It’s a bit of a village pride. On June 24th we’re proud to be Quebecers, on July 1st we’re proud to be Canadian. The Féria is the same thing on a city scale, we celebrate Montreal. We highlight the community and show how proud we are to live in Montreal. ” he explains.

The growing attraction of this annual meeting is undeniable. It now attracts up to two thousand revelers each year. Yan Niesing has great ambitions for the future of the Féria: “ Montrealers love to celebrate and show off their talents, they must take over the Féria and celebrate Montreal on Place des Arts », he exclaims.

10 years of vacation in Montréal

To live the unique experience of a cross between a carnival and a German Oktoberfest, meet from 5 p.m. on Friday July 12 at Square Viger to celebrate ten years of the Féria de Montréal. The event is free and family friendly. All details are available here.

The festivities will continue for the most motivated from 10 p.m. in the premises of the French Union. To book your tickets for the Bodega, click here.



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