2024 Legislative Elections: Who are the 76 candidates elected in the first round? In which constituencies? | LCP

2024 Legislative Elections: Who are the 76 candidates elected in the first round? In which constituencies? | LCP
2024 Legislative Elections: Who are the 76 candidates elected in the first round? In which constituencies? | LCP

Out of 577 seats to be filled in the National Assembly, 76 candidates were elected in the first round of the legislative elections. Among them, the National Rally and its allies elected 39 deputies, the New Popular Front 32 deputies and Ensemble pour la République 2 deputies. Who are they? In which constituencies were they elected? LCP draws up the list and map of the elected representatives of the first round.

Sunday June 30, 76 deputies were elected from the first round of the legislative elections. These candidates have received in their constituency the absolute majority of votes cast and a number of votes at least equal to a quarter of registered voters. The double condition to be fulfilled to be elected in the first round of the legislative election.

LCP has drawn up the list of deputies already elected to the National Assembly, as well as the constituency map which corresponds to these elections.

National Rally and allies: 39 deputies

  • National Rally (37): Nicolas Dragon (1time constituency of the Aisne); Jocelyn Designy (5th of Aisne); José Beaurain, 4th Aisne constituency; Alexandra Masson4th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes; Bryan Masson, 6th Alpes-Maritimes; Jordan Guitton, 1time of Dawn; Franck Allisio12th Bouches-du-Rhône; Nicolas Meizonnet, 2th you Gard ; Edwige Diaz11th from Gironde ; Aurélien Lopez-Liguori, 7th from Hérault ; Laurence Robert-Dehault, 2th from Haute-Marne ; Florence Goulet, 2th of the Meuse ; Kevin Pfeffer, 6th of the Moselle ; Alexandre Loubet7th from the Moselle ; Matthieu Marchio, 16th you North ; Sébastien Chenu19th you North; Michael Taverne, 12th from the North; Guillaume Florquin, 20th from the North; Sandra Delannoy, 3th you North; Philippe Ballard2th from Oise; Emmanuel Blairy, 1time from Pas-de-Calais; Bruno Clavet, 3th from Pas-de-Calais; Christine Engrand, 6th from Pas-de-Calais; Thierry Frappé, 10th from Pas-de-Calais; Bruno Picture12th from Pas-de-Calais; Marine Le Pen11th from Pas-de-Calais; Anaïs Sabatini, 2th Pyrénées-Orientales; Emeric Salmon, 2th from Haute-Saône; Yaël Menache, 5th of Somme; Julie Lechanteux, 5th du Var ; Philippe Schreck, 8th you were ; Frank Giletti, 6th from Var; Philippe Lottiaux, 4th you were ; Laura Lavalette2th from Var; Hervé de Lépinau, 3th from Vaucluse; Julien Odoul3th from Yonne;
  • Part of Eric Ciotti’s LR-RN alliance (1): Christelle from Around, 5th Alpes-Maritimes constituency;
  • Coming from Reconquest invested by the National Rally (1) : Eddy Casterman, 3th constituency of Aisne.

New Popular Front: 32 deputies

  • Rebellious France (20): Manuel Bompard (4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône); Sebastien Delogu (7th in Bouches-du-Rhône); François Piquemal (4th in Haute-Garonne); Nathalie Oziol (2nd in Hérault); Andy Kerbrat (2nd in Loire-Atlantique); Sophia Chikirou (6e de Paris) ; Rodrigo Arenas (10th of Paris) Sarah Legrain (16th of Paris) ; Daniele Obono (17th of Paris) ; Aymeric Caron (18th from Paris) ; Aurelien Saintoul (11th of Hauts-de-Seine) ; Aurélie Trouvé (9th of Seine-Saint-Denis) ; Eric Coquerel (1st of Seine-Saint-Denis) ; Nadège Abomangoli (10th from Seine-Saint-Denis) ; Bastien Lachaud (6th from Seine-Saint-Denis) ; Clémentine Autain (11th of Seine-Saint-Denis) ; Mathilde Panot (10th in Val-de-Marne) ; Clemence Guette (2nd in Val-de-Marne) ; Paul Vannier (5th in Val-d’Oise) ; Carlos Martens Bilongo (8th from Val d’Oise) ;
  • Socialist Party (5): Martine Froger (1st constituency of Ariège); Mickaël Bouloux (8th of Ille-et-Vilaine); Emmanuel Gregoire (7th from Paris); Olivier Faure (11th of Seine-et-Marne); Isabelle Santiago (9th from Val-de-Marne);
  • French Communist Party (2): Elsa Faucillon (1time district of Hauts-de-Seine); Stéphane Peu (2th from Seine-Saint-Denis);
  • The Ecologists (5): Marie-Charlotte Garin (3th Rhone district); Eva Sas (8th from Paris) ; Sandrine Rousseau (9th de Paris) ; Pouria Amirshahi (5th from Paris) ; Sophie Taillé-Polian (11th du Val-de-Marne)​​​​​​

Together for the Republic: 2 deputies

  • Renaissance (2) : Pierre Cazeneuve (7th Hauts-de-Seine constituency); Mikaele Seo (1time of Wallis and Futuna);

The Republicans: 1 deputy

  • Philippe Juvin (3th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine).

Miscellaneous right: 2 deputies

  • Estelle Youssouffa (1time constituency of Mayotte);
  • Moerani Frebault (1time of French Polynesia).

Also find, below, our interactive map of constituencies already equipped with a deputy:

For the other constituencies the second round of legislative elections will take place Next Sunday, July 7th.



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