Legislative elections in Villeurbanne: Jean-Paul Bret maintains his candidacy

Legislative elections in Villeurbanne: Jean-Paul Bret maintains his candidacy
Legislative elections in Villeurbanne: Jean-Paul Bret maintains his candidacy

Jean-Paul Bret, the former PS mayor of Villeurbanne, decided to maintain his left-wing candidacy in the second round of elections. 2024 legislative elections in the 6e Rhône constituency, after achieving a score of almost 20%.

He will therefore face an opponent who is also from the left, Gabriel Amard, outgoing deputy for La France insoumise, invested by the coalition of the New Popular Front (NPF), which achieved a score of 46.29% of the votes.

I keep myselfaffirms Jean-Paul Bret. I will make my statement to the prefecture at 2 p.m. this Monday. The RN is not qualified for the second round in our constituency, I think I contributed greatly to that. If I had not run, the RN would be in the second round. If I withdraw, there will only be one ballot paper left on the tables in the polling stations, this does not bring the third (RN) back into the running. The LFI candidate is asking me to withdraw, this is pure Mélenchonism. We are not in a popular democracy, nor in South America. I have received support and backing from dissident left-wing figures from the NFP, and I represent the secular left, against anti-Semitism and communitarianism. I do not want to betray the voters who trusted me.”

Jean-Paul Bret : “I can’t stop people from voting for me”

Jean-Paul Bret does not “no calls to anyone”he said.But, I can’t stop people from voting for me. My opponent claims that I’m taking the votes of the Macronists, and in the second round he’ll say that I’m taking the votes of the RN…”

Jean-Paul Bret hopes to recover some votes from the right in the first round, which had gone to the candidacy of Marc Fraysse (Les Républicains, 12.29%): “I think Marc Fraysse will make a republican appeal, his voters will follow him or not…”



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