2024 Legislative Elections. The National Rally comes out on top in the 5 constituencies of Eure

2024 Legislative Elections. The National Rally comes out on top in the 5 constituencies of Eure
2024 Legislative Elections. The National Rally comes out on top in the 5 constituencies of Eure


Charles Giovacchini

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 10:50 p.m.

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The queues in front of the department’s polling stations illustrate the commitment of European voters during this first round of early legislative elections. 67.4% of those registered, compared to 48.9% in the first round of the legislative elections in 2022, took part in the vote.

A vote largely dominated by the National Rally candidates who came out on top in all the constituencies of Eure with a total of 45.15% of the votes cast in the department. In front of the candidates of the New Popular Front (23.07%), Together the Presidential Majority (21.82%), the various centers (3.27%) and the various right (3.07%).

Only one triangular in Eure

Several triangular ones were planned in the Eure. There will ultimately be just one. In the 5th constituency where the National Rally, the presidential majority and New Popular Front will compete for the deputy seat of a constituency largely dominated by the outgoing deputy.

Swept away in the first round, the candidates of the Union of the Right and the Center, the big losers of this election night, did not reach the necessary % to stay in power. They will watch the candidates of the New Popular Front and the RN compete for seats in three constituencies and the candidates of Ensemble qualified against the RN in the two other constituencies of the department.

Candidates qualified for the second round

1st constituency

Christine Loir (RN) with 46.53% of the votes cast will face Julien Canin (ENS) 28.51% in a head to head match. Able to maintain herself with 21.58%, Christine Le Bonté, the candidate of the New Popular Front having immediately made it known that she was withdrawing to block the RN.

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2nd constituency

Second round duel also in the second constituency of Eure where the outgoing deputy Katiana Levavasseur (RN), 43.61%, will meet next Sunday the candidate of the NFP, Timour Veyri, 21.25%. Candidate for the presidential majority, Isabelle Collin did not wait to take a position against the RN. “To those who voted for me in the first round, I ask you to continue to mobilize to block the extreme right and to give your vote to the candidate who came in second place Timour Veyri” she declared without the evening.

3rd district

Well ahead, just shy of passing in the first round, Kevin Mauvieux (RN) 48.88% will meet Marie Tamarelle-Verhaeghe (Ensemble) 21.35%, the candidate of the presidential majority; in the 2nd round.

4th constituency

Patrice Pauper (RN), 41.64%, remains alone in the race to face outgoing deputy Philippe Brun (New Front Populaire) 34.27% on Sunday July 7.

5th district

The only three-way race in the department will be played out on Sunday between Thimothée Houssin (RN), 45.26%, Frédéric Duché (Ensemble) 24.39% and Pierre-Yves Jourdain (NFP): 21.28%.

Legislative June 30, 2024 ©Charles GIOVACCHINI

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