Legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: Hélène Laporte is not far from the absolute majority in the 2nd constituency

Legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: Hélène Laporte is not far from the absolute majority in the 2nd constituency
Legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: Hélène Laporte is not far from the absolute majority in the 2nd constituency

the essential
A second round awaits Hélène Laporte for the legislative elections in the Lot-et-Garonne constituency.

In the second constituency of Lot-et-Garonne (Marmande), many observers announced Hélène Laporte, outgoing MP and candidate for the National Rally (RN), to win the election in the first round.

But the parliamentarian from the far-right party came close to the majority (49.3%) and will therefore be forced to go through a second round if she wants to keep her seat at the Bourbon Palace. The vote resulted in an improbable triangular, with Christophe Courregelongue (New Popular Front) at 26.89% and the presidential majority candidate Jean-Marie Lenzi (Together!), who finished with 21.99% of the votes.

“More than 49% in the first round, more than the other two candidates combined, that’s a good score. I’m satisfied. I would also like to thank all the people of Lot-et-Garonne who voted for me,” says Hélène Laporte. However, the outgoing MP does not want to get carried away. “I will remobilize immediately. We must do everything we can to ensure that Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not have an additional MP and that he does not become Prime Minister,” says Hélène Laporte.

Lenzi should give up his place

We are approaching a second round between the RN and the New Popular Front in the Marmandais. Jean-Marie Lenzi could, in fact, withdraw his candidacy in favor of the candidate of the left union. “I am pleasantly surprised by this result. 10,000 people voted for us. We could have expected to be crushed when we represent the majority and that was not the case. I have always said that I would not participate in three-way races. I am waiting for my party’s voting instructions but, personally, I will vote for Courregelongue on July 7.”



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