Millau: the revegetation of schoolyards at the heart of the municipal council

Millau: the revegetation of schoolyards at the heart of the municipal council
Millau: the revegetation of schoolyards at the heart of the municipal council

Municipal elected officials voted for future work at Jules-Ferry and La Maladrerie.

Back in the council chamber at the Town Hall after an “exile” of several years at the Halle Viaduc, the debates between municipal elected officials took, this Thursday evening, June 27, a very practical turn. “Concerning” even since several short or medium term work files were discussed.

A synthetic pitch at La Maladrerie in September 2025

Jean-Pierre Mas, deputy for sports, presented the municipal project concerning the transformation of a grassy field into a synthetic field at the Maladrerie complex. “Around fifty teams use the current grass pitch for an average of 25 hours per week. It’s intensive! It undermines good maintenance and no longer provides good quality play for football in the winter season in particular.”

The elected official also specifies “watering required, every night, from May to September.” Hence the choice of a synthetic pitch “which allows you to play seven days a week, twelve hours a day regardless of the weather conditions.”

Greening schoolyards Jules-Ferry

Jean-Pierre Mas adds the choice made by the City to build this field with natural fill only (cork, corn cob or sand) with, in the end, much less watering, zero fertilizers or phytosanitary products. An investment of €1.1 million (including €206,000 from the Region, €41,200 from the Department, €261,150 from the City) and the hope of a subsidy from the National Sports Agency. “Our first request for €412,000 was refused. We will reposition ourselves at the beginning of 2025 by asking for less.”

Preliminary studies for the work are announced in the first quarter of 2025 for work launched in April of the same year and delivery expected in September 2025. Announced at the start of the school year last September, the project to revegetate the Jules-Ferry schoolyards (nursery and primary) was confirmed and detailed by Aurélie Eson, assistant in charge of education. “The work will take place in July-August. Jules-Ferry is the pilot for our schoolyard greening project.” A project announced at nearly €400,000 with funding expected from Europe (€59,000), the water agency (€100,000), the Region (€78,000) and the Department (€39,000). )”. The City should provide €77,000 in self-financing. “We worked with teachers and city green space agents and parents”explains Aurélie Eson. “Some elements that are on the visuals will not be there at first because some companies did not respond to our calls for tender. The plants are, of course, adapted. For the primary school, which has been very mineral up until now, the changes will be spectacular.”



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