Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Béziers (34500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Béziers (34500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Béziers (34500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

21:52 – Emmanuelle Ménard neck and neck with the RN

According to France 3 Regionsthe outgoing MP Emmanuelle Ménard, the favourite, would be neck and neck with the RN candidate Julien Gabarron in the 6th constituency of Hérault.

20:03 – The first results of the first round of the legislative elections are in

At the national level, Jordan Bardella’s National Rally came out on top in the first round according to Ifop’s estimates for TF1-LCI, with 34.5% of the votes cast. The New Popular Front came in second with 28.5%, followed by the Presidential Majority party at 22.5%. Next came the LR with 10% of the votes, Ext G with 1.2%, REC with 0.5% and Miscellaneous with 2.8%. The results will be announced in the evening for the city of Béziers.

19:38 – Nupes bulletins observed

Will the New Ecological and Social Popular Union, which did not survive, see its voters from that time switch to the Popular Front in the 2024 legislative elections? At the end of the first round of the legislative elections, two years ago, the Nupes candidacy had garnered 18.95% of the votes in the locality. At the end of the European elections more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann obtained 10.01% in Béziers. However, in the city, we will also have to keep an eye on the 12.42% of the list of Manon Aubry (La France insoumise), the 2.7% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 2.6% of Léon Deffontaine (PCF). In other words, a sum of 26% this time.

18:35 – How is the National Rally doing before the legislative elections in Béziers?

What can we deduce from the results of the latest elections? If in France, opinion polls show an increase of the RN to nearly 15 points in the 2024 legislative elections compared to its result in the previous legislative elections (which would theoretically bring Jordan Bardella’s party to 15% in the municipality), we nevertheless note that the party has visibly gained only 2.9 points more between the 2019 European elections and the 2024 European elections on site. The explosion of the RN could therefore be less powerful locally.

5:40 p.m. – The RN at 40.5% in Béziers on June 9

Looking back a few days also seems relevant when preparing for the June 30 election, the verdict imposed on everyone during the June 9 elections being major. A few weeks ago in fact, in Béziers, the RN list, with a certain Jordan Bardella as leader, won, gleaning 40.5% of the votes against Manon Aubry at 12.42% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 10.01%. 9,426 residents turned to her in the city.

5:14 p.m. – At 5 p.m., the participation rate very sharply increased in Hérault (34)

In Hérault (34), the participation rate at 5 p.m. in the first round of the legislative elections stood at 60.35%, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior. A record figure similar to the national participation rate which has just fallen too, amounting to 59.39% at the same time.

16:56 – Marine Le Pen in the lead in Béziers during the 2022 presidential election

The Béziers electoral community had massively turned to Marine Le Pen at the end of the 2022 presidential election. The figure of the National Rally finished with 31.08% in the first round. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron were distanced at 22.74% and 19.87% of the votes. Éric Zemmour inherited a supporting role with only 10.61% of the votes for his part. The leader of the RN finally won in the second round in the city with 54.01%, ahead of Emmanuel Macron at 45.99%.

16:37 – Are the results of the last legislative election indicative of the 2024 election in Béziers?

The RN was absent from the legislative elections in Béziers two years ago, where it was Emmanuelle Ménard (Various right) who won in the first round, with 44.99%, Béziers voting for the 6th constituency of Hérault. Emmanuelle Ménard finished first again in the second round in the locality, with 67.58%.

15:49 – Impact of demographic characteristics on the political landscape of Béziers

Halfway through the legislative elections, Béziers is teeming with diversity and activities. With its 80,341 inhabitants, this cosmopolitan town represents the cultural wealth of contemporary France. Its 8,715 businesses attest to a favorable economy. The percentage of households owning at least one car (60.29%) shows a dependence on the automobile, which can influence voters on questions of transport and road development. With 9,996 foreign residents and a percentage of immigrants of 15.07%, Béziers ranks as an example of its openness to the world. With an average income per tax household of 19,999 euros/year, the town displays an unemployment rate of 22.45%, announcing a precarious economic situation. In Béziers, local concerns join French challenges.

15:41 – A significant increase in participation at midday in Hérault

The participation rate in the first round of the legislative elections at noon in the Hérault department (34) is 28.91%. We observe an increasing participation in the 13 departments of Occitanie. This amounted to 18.55% in 2022 at midday in Hérault.

10:59 – The legislative elections in Béziers are launched

Turnout will be one of the big unknowns in the legislative elections in Béziers. The rise in the price of everyday life, which is weighing on the finances of the French, could increase the importance of the election in the eyes of the citizens of Béziers. In April 2022, during the second round of the last presidential election, out of the 46,469 registered voters in the city, 68.59% took part in the election. Turnout was 71.0% in the first round, or 32,995 people. In comparison, in the city, the turnout in the 2022 legislative elections was 42.53% in the first round and only 40.44% in the second round. Which MP will dethrone Emmanuelle Ménard in the 6th constituency of Hérault?



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