the participation rate at noon has doubled in Paris since the 2022 election

the participation rate at noon has doubled in Paris since the 2022 election
the participation rate at noon has doubled in Paris since the 2022 election

The first figures for participation in the first round of the legislative elections were published at noon on June 30, 2024. With 25.48% of voters at the polls at midday, the city doubled its score compared to the last election.

As of 8 a.m. on Sunday, June 30, 2024, voters were called to the polls for the first round of early legislative elections. The first results of participation in this election were released at midday.

In Paris, a clear increase in participation was recorded with 25.48%. A figure doubled in comparison with the previous election: in 2022, at the same time, 12.26% of voters had voted.

Nupes and the Macronists in the lead in 2022

As a reminder, during the 2022 legislative elections, Parisian voters mainly voted for Nupes, the coalition of left-wing parties, and the presidential party. In the west, votes leaned more towards Emmanuel Macron’s party, while the east favored the left.

The outcome of the votes for the first round of the 2024 legislative elections is still unknown, but the interest of Parisians in this election is already confirmed at midday. This trend is also confirmed in Ile-de-France, the other departments of the region have all seen an increase in participation.

At the national level, 25.90% of French people able to vote went to the polls before noon, almost 7.5 points more than during the 2022 legislative elections, where the rate stood at 18.43%. participation in this same schedule. You have to go back to 1981 to find a higher participation rate at 12 p.m. At midday, 27.6% of voters had made it to their polling station.

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