Region – Legislative: an electorate caught between two breaths in the 9th constituency (Aubagne

Region – Legislative: an electorate caught between two breaths in the 9th constituency (Aubagne
Region – Legislative: an electorate caught between two breaths in the 9th constituency (Aubagne

Holding his daughter by the hand, Thomas* crosses the courtyard of the Antide-Boyer school, a grimace on his face. “We are at a time when everything can change.sighs the father as he leaves his polling station. It remains to be seen in which direction and whether we will still be in democracy.

Like him, many voters in downtown Aubagne viewed these elections as a turning point.

First sign, the participation figures have continued to swell across the nine municipalities of the constituency. Reaching mobilization records that had not been seen since the legislative elections of 1997, with more than 67.25% participation on yesterday. Which the voters sensed throughout the day.

“Youth is waking up”

Almost everyone in my circle has a power of attorney for someone. No one dodged this vote“, constate Yoann.

For many, the logic of blocs has imposed itself: the macronie lurches where the extreme right and the left are racing. Each camp appealing to “me or chaos” while the National Rally (RN) was announced as the favorite from the launch of the campaign and the brown wave of Europeans. And for some, the choice is quickly made.

The left has lost me by neglecting the subject of security. Today, only the RN is interested in it. Why should it only be a right-wing issue?” asks Mathieu, 27, who voted for Mélenchon in 2017 but who this time slipped in an RN ballot.



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