Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Sartrouville (78500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Sartrouville (78500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Sartrouville (78500) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – In Sartrouville, who will get their hands on the Nupes vote?

Will the Nupes, which has fizzled out, see its result go directly to the Popular Front in the 2024 legislative elections? A few days ago in the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann rose to 13.97% in Sartrouville. But the left is given higher ground in the legislative elections, since the revamped union virtually rose to 43% this time, adding the results of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF). The sum of the votes is not negligible: during the first round of the Assembly elections, in 2022 in Sartrouville, the Nupes duo had also gathered 34.94% of the votes in the locality. How many will vote for the Popular Front, supported by the rebels, the socialists, the ecologists, the communists and other left-wing forces, and given a close fight with the majority by the polling institutes during these legislative elections?

18:42 – What score for the RN in the legislative elections in Sartrouville?

It is difficult to find political logic in this heterogeneous combination of results. But some guidelines emerge… If in France, opinion polls predict an increase of the RN to almost fifteen points in the 2024 legislative elections compared to its score in the last legislative elections (which would theoretically bring Jordan Bardella’s party very close to the 30% in the municipality), we note however that the latter has so far only taken 3 points more between the 2019 Europeans and the 2024 Europeans on site. The announced raid could therefore be less powerful locally.

15:31 – The National Rally defeated in Sartrouville during the elections of June 9

Mentioning the results of the most recent election also seems essential when analyzing the legislative elections. The podium of the recent European elections in Sartrouville placed in this order the list of Valérie Hayer, on the third step with 14.67% of the ballots cast, distanced by the list of Jordan Bardella with 18.7% and finally the list of Manon Aubry with 22.91%, winner in the commune.

2:32 p.m. – Sartrouville voted for Mélenchon in the presidential election

The political typology of a city’s inhabitants often emerges most visibly in the results of the election of the tenant of the Elysée. The inhabitants of Sartrouville had given Marine Le Pen 13.31% during the first round of the election of the President of the Republic. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron this time outperformed the head of the RN with 33.46% and 28.84% of the votes respectively. And the boss of the RN also failed in the second round with 26.53% against 73.47%.

12:32 – In Sartrouville, are the results of the last legislative elections still valid today?

At the local level, the RN’s result in the legislative elections will be closely scrutinized. With 10.52% in Sartrouville, the RN was outdistanced by the 34.94% of the LFI-PS-PC-EELV duo in the first round of the legislative elections two years ago. The commune only has one constituency on its territory, the 5th constituency of Yvelines. In the second round, the RN also failed, leaving the local victory to the competitors bearing the Nupes label (50.50% against 49.50% for the RN). Sophie Thevenet therefore maintained her lead on site.

11:02 – Sartrouville: the impact of local demographics on the legislative elections

What influence does the population of Sartrouville have on the outcome of the legislative elections? With a percentage of job seekers of 11.82% and a population density of 6,210 inhabitants per km², the labor market and housing issues are major concerns. The high rate of executives and higher intellectual professions, reaching 27.8%, reveals a population with a high level of education. In addition, the presence of a foreign population of 17.22% and an immigrant population of 22.70% indicates the influence of migratory flows on local demography. Data on education in Sartrouville highlight significant diversity, with varying percentages of degree holders: 15.59% of residents have only obtained the baccalaureate for example. These figures, coupled with income data, raise questions about the effectiveness of education and employment policies implemented nationwide.

09:32 – Sartrouville: what was the level of participation in the previous legislative elections?

In Sartrouville, one of the great unknowns of the 2024 legislative elections will undoubtedly be participation. In April 2022, for the first round of the last presidential election, of the 30,877 people of voting age in the urban area, 73.04% took part in the vote. The participation rate was 66.71% in the second round, or 20,624 people. Proportionally, in the agglomeration, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections reached 45.14% in the first round. In the second round, 44.34% of voters exercised their right to vote. Young people frequently show a lack of interest in national elections; can this state of affairs change for the legislative elections?

08:02 – Opening and closing of polling stations in Sartrouville

The opening hours of the 30 polling stations in Sartrouville are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. without interruption. Following Emmanuel Macron’s surprise announcement to dissolve the National Assembly, it is now the result of the legislative elections in Sartrouville organized today that represents the next political deadline for the population. In 1997, Jacques Chirac dissolved the Assembly, which led to a cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. Could this scenario be repeated this year? Among the lists present in the 5th constituency of Yvelines, who will manage to capture the most votes in Sartrouville? Attention, to vote, do not forget your identity papers.



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