3,980 high school students from Icaunais will take the written exams for the brevet on Monday and Tuesday

For two days, Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd July 2024, the 18,486 middle school students of the Dijon academy will be summoned to 176 examination centers to take the written exams of the brevet. An exam that aims to validate the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of the third year. The results will be known on July 11th at 9:30 a.m.

Nearly 860,000 middle school students are taking the written Brevet exams today and tomorrow in France, which the government wants to reform to make it “a real high school entrance exam” from next year. Developments still pending in an uncertain political context.

In the Dijon academy, the exam concerns 18,486 students (including 2,219 in the vocational stream): 3,980 in Yonne, 5,988 in Côte-d’Or, 6,427 in Saône-et-Loire and 2,091 in Nièvre. To ensure the smooth running of the exams, the academy will open 176 examination centers and mobilize 516 staff. “All teachers are mobilized to ensure the supervision of the written exams, then 2,500 will be summoned for the correction of the copies”, specifies the rectorate.

Written tests over two days

The written French and mathematics tests for the national brevet diploma (DNB) will take place this Monday, July 1, 2024, and those for history-geography, science (physics-chemistry, life and earth sciences, technology) on Tuesday, July 2.

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The certificate, which certifies the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of secondary school, consists of a part of continuous assessments and final tests. It is graded on a total of 800 points: 400 continuous assessment points and 400 final test points (French, mathematics, history-geography, science and oral). You must earn at least 400 points to obtain it.

89% success in Yonne in 2023

The patent success rate exceeds 85% on average each year. In 2023, it was 89% (identical rate in Yonne), up 0.6 points compared to the previous year, with some 757,600 middle school students admitted in France. The results of the 2024 patent session will be published on July 11, at 9:30 a.m., via postings in establishments and on the Dijon academy website (www.ac-dijon.fr).

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What do we know about patent reform? Passing the certificate, the ancestor of which (the BEPC) was created in 1947, does not condition passage to second grade. But in December, Gabriel Attal, then Minister of National Education, announced his desire to reform this exam to strengthen its “requirement”, as part of the “shock of knowledge” measures. He said he wanted to give an increased share of the final grade to the final tests, which would now represent 60% of the final verdict. Above all, he announced that obtaining the certificate would “condition”, from the 2025 session, “direct access to high school”, with students who do not obtain it having to join a “prep-secondary” class. This “prep-secondary” class must be tested from the next school year on a voluntary basis in around a hundred high schools, at least one per department. But the generalization of this “prepa-seconde” system, planned for the following year, must still be ratified, just like the reform of the exam itself, planned for the 2025 session.

Franck Morales with AFP



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