Valence-d’Agen. Alva Rando, get your sneakers on in July!

Valence-d’Agen. Alva Rando, get your sneakers on in July!
Valence-d’Agen. Alva Rando, get your sneakers on in July!

Maybe we will finally be able to wear lighter shoes like sneakers for this month of July. In case of high temperatures, Alva Rando had already anticipated, in June, the change of schedule. It set the departures of the 3 weekly outings in the morning at 8:30 am. These are of 3 levels: Small on Mondays, Large on Thursdays and Gentle on Fridays. Their distances are arranged to be able to return home at a reasonable time.

The meeting point for carpooling is Place Jean-Baptiste Chaumeil near La Poste. For newcomers, inquire at 06 42 35 08 28.

The program

Mondays : On 01/07 circuit of its 3 churches in Labastide-Marnhac, bring a picnic 11 km. On 08/07 Entre les 2 Séounes in Saint-Pierre de Clairac 10 km. On 15/07 circuit of the Gasques springs 11 km. On 22/07 golf course of Bon-Encontre 8 km. On 29/07 Fontaine St Louis in Saint-Amans-du-Pech 8 km.

Thursdays : On 04/07 Albas circuit of the 3 valleys 15 km. On 11/07 circuit of Aubiac in Moirax 16 km. On 18/07 country of Serreà Dondas 15 km. On 25/07 circuit of Sérignac Le Boulvé 13 km.

Fridays: 05/07 Le Grès in Aubiac 7 km. 12/07 Camuzon circuit in Bardigues 7 km. 19/07 bird observatory circuit PR2 Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave 9 km. 26/07 the old railway line in Bourg-de-Visa 6 km.



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