the old Catholic school of Aulnay preserves its stories well

the old Catholic school of Aulnay preserves its stories well
the old Catholic school of Aulnay preserves its stories well

In Aulnay, in Loudunais, the Immaculée-Conception private school has a whole story that former students like to tell. The beautiful late 19th century residence was the property of the Count and Countess of Rochequairie who financed the school and kept it running until there were no longer enough students.

Opened in 1880-1890, it closed permanently on January 1, 1970. Little data remains on the history of the building, but many memories.

The punishments of the sisters of Pommeraye

The count and countess were respected in the town. “They supported the school financially, but they were also the children’s benefactors. At Christmas, everyone had a gift to choose from a list.”says Jacky Guignard, current mayor of Aulnay, who polished the school benches until 1968.

The teachers, the Pommeraye sisters, lived in part of the school and cultivated their vegetable garden to feed themselves. We remember Sister Marie-Gonzague or Sister Marie-Elie because “they were quite severe”say the old ones. The mixed school had two classes when it opened. The little ones entered at the age of 5, on the ground floor. The upper floor was for the older ones – the more unruly ones too.

Class photos on the walls of the Aulnay school.
© (Photo NR-CP)

Among the generations that followed one another, “the class of 1942-1950” stood out. “It was not a sad adventure, says Dominique Padiolleau, one of the organizers of the reunion of former students. They saw the sisters with them! »

Often this ended up as punishment, in the cupboard under the stairs “where it was pitch black”Some still have painful memories of it. “Uncle Lulu was often there”, says Marylène Petit, talking about her uncle. “One day, to escape, he even jumped out of the window, says another. Fortunately, he fell into the lime tree just below. »

The famous cupboard under the stairs, for punished students.
© (Photo NR-CP)

The sisters were not short of imagination when it came to punishments (today, we could almost call them abuse), but neither were the young rebels. Another day, when he was locked away in the cellar, Lulu started cutting all the potatoes into slices. Another time, barricaded under the desk, he tied the teacher’s shoelaces.

The beautiful building is coming back to life with private owners.
© (Photo NR-CP)

Certainly, these schoolboy anecdotes still make former students laugh. Those who attended the school between 1940 and 1970 were able to meet again on June 1, 2024: from the oldest Paulette Herault, born in 1936 to the youngest Régis Jamain, born in 1964, there were 55 of them. They were able to visit their old school, bought two and a half years ago, and see that the friezes on the walls still exist, in the old classroom converted for the occasion.



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