A dematerialization rate of 13.4% in Senegal (SENUM-SA)

A dematerialization rate of 13.4% in Senegal (SENUM-SA)
A dematerialization rate of 13.4% in Senegal (SENUM-SA)

Senegal currently has a “low rate” of dematerialization, at around 13.4%, revealed the general director of Sénégal Numérique (SENUM-SA), Isidore Diouf, on Friday.

“Of the 900 procedures to be dematerialized that we have, only 130 have been dematerialized, or a rate of 13.4%,” indicated Mr. Diouf during a panel devoted to digital technology as part of the Company Conference.

During this meeting, which had as its theme “the acceleration of digitalization, a powerful lever of competitiveness of the Senegalese and African economy”, the general director of SENUM-SA notably deplored the absence of a “global vision”, meaning that programs are often carried out in a “disparate manner” between different ministerial departments.

The consultant in IT audit and digital transformation, Ignace Ndiaye noted that “despite weaknesses”, Senegal has the advantage of having an “ecosystem” to establish digital technology.

He particularly referred to initiatives such as the data center, the development of mobile banking, mastery of the internet, among others.

In the opinion of this expert, it is today “unacceptable that a company can work in Senegal without being able to access its system”.

“We are talking about taxes, this system will allow us to broaden the tax base,” he added.

But, to do this, he continued, “our system must be able to communicate with that of multinationals”.

Ignace Ndiaye also suggested the establishment of a legal framework to allow the tax administration to access the multinational system.

“To speak in figurative terms, we must give the tax authorities the technical tools to work,” he argued.




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