When sport creates jobs in this town in Eure

When sport creates jobs in this town in Eure
When sport creates jobs in this town in Eure


Lounelle Royer

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 6:08 p.m.

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A new edition “From the stadium to employment”, was organized by France Travail and the Eure athletics committee. This innovative event offers companies the opportunity to recruit candidates differently, through sports practice.

At 9:30 a.m., a hundred job seekers and 18 recruiters from all fields responded to the Grevarin complex to Vernon.

On the agenda for the day: a job interview stripped of the formal filter of a professional interview. No need to bring your CV, just good sports clothing is enough to participate in this innovative interview.

“This concept allows us to promote everyone’s skills. Sports practice reveals the strong points of job seekers such as perseverance or the ability to propose solutions.

Guillaume Rueda, director of the France Travail agency in Vernon.

Athletics to recruit

Ce national device has existed for two years in conjunction with various sports federations in the region. It is the responsibility of the federation chosen to organize the sports workshops around their chosen field.

The rugby, table tennis and even taekwondo federations have already been able to put in the work to organize adapted sports workshops.

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“We are organizing more and more of this type of event. It becomes a recruitment method in its own right,” explains Guillaume Rueda.

For the first edition » From the stage to employment « in Vernon, the Eure athletics committee was responsible for supervising the event.

» We need to change the codes. You always have to look further. »

Guillaume Rueda

Upon arriving at the gym, all participants were assigned a team. » Everyone is mixed up. Nobody knows who is a recruiter and who is a job seeker,” continues Guillaume Rueda.

After a short opening speech and a warm-up, each team regroups to begin the activities. Each group is supervised by a animator from the Eure athletics committee.

There are many sports activities. They include motor skills exercises and a quiz to test your general knowledge. “All the workshops have an equivalent in the world of work,” emphasizes theDirector of France Travail in Vernon. The mirror exercise is the ability to redo exercises which are transferred to the world of work through learning capacity. »

Job dating

It was only after lunch that the recruiters were able to lift anonymity. This is how the second highlight of the day begins: job dating.

Each job seeker was then able to present themselves to one of the recruiters present to present his courseConversely, each recruiter was able to offer a job interview to one of the candidates he spotted in the morning.

“I find it interesting because we break down certain barriers. After the first few moments, the naturalness returns to each candidate, the one they live with,”

Christelle Vigneu, recruiter for the company Flexikeg, creator of ecological beer barrels.

She is part of team four and is one of the two anonymous recruiters in her group: “We are a start-up so I need people who are not going to give up at the first obstacle. »

Rigor, tenacity as well as team work are therefore the qualities headlights that has been able to observe the recruiterduring the various sporting activities offered by the athletics committee.

However, even if Vernon everyone plays the game, it is sometimes easy to differentiate the recruiter from the job seeker. » The leadership comes to the surface and is very easily seen by the recruiter,” she emphasizes.

Live interview

After the lifting of anonymitythe Flexikeg recruiter stood on the stairs of the gymnasium to grant interviews to the various candidates who wished it.

She notably had an interview with Nicolas Libois, a job seeker who was part of his team in the morning.

“I thought the idea was very good from the start, even if I’m not very sporty,” reveals the 32-year-old after his interview.

“It helps to relax the atmosphere. Today, it had been almost a year since I had received a response to my interview requests, despite sending 200 applications. It makes you lose confidence in yourself,”

Nicolas Libois, job seeker

However, Nicolas Libois was able to establish links with Christelle Vigneu through sports activities and that is why he decided to ask him for an interview in the afternoon. “In other procedures, we are obliged to wait for the recruiter to agree to receive us. Here everything is instantaneous, the recruiter will necessarily speak to us. We queue up and we are necessarily received,” he says.

Following his first interview, Nicolas was able to secure one second within the company.

Goal achieved

On average, France Work accounts for 60% recovery of activity, whether through training or employment, following this event. “The objective is to open up the field of prospects for companies, but also to invite job seekers to open up to positions that they had not thought of. The idea is really to highlight the qualities of the person and their good manners,” explains the director of theFrance Work antenna to Vernon. Objective achieved for the creators of the event, since 101 people were present to play the game.

“There is a good chance that the workshop will repeat its experience in Vernon because it works.”

Guillaume Rueda

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