Noise pollution: Estelle Lefébure meets students from the Marcel Pagnol school in Cannes as part of the “Océano pour tous” competition

Noise pollution: Estelle Lefébure meets students from the Marcel Pagnol school in Cannes as part of the “Océano pour tous” competition
Noise pollution: Estelle Lefébure meets students from the Marcel Pagnol school in Cannes as part of the “Océano pour tous” competition

Patron and ambassador of the “Océano pour tous” competition, Estelle Lefébure went to Mouré Rouge beach a few days ago. Not to bask in the sun or enjoy this enchanting setting. But to meet 26 CM1/CM2 students. They enthusiastically presented her with a game they created to raise awareness about noise pollution.

This competition, which brings together more than 43 classes, 1,000 students and their teachers, addresses sustainable development and the protection of the oceans. Students present a project that is close to their hearts. “Once the classes have applied, we will target classes in REP or REP + zones, Ulis and SEGPA classes, classes in reintegration or in rural areas, to carry out projects with children who do not have access easy to grow”says Laurie, head of the “Oceano for all” project at the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco.

“What I liked best was miming!”

A committed project, both ecologically and socially. And which fascinates children. Estelle Lefébure shares it with us: “Their commitment is extraordinary. Everything they have done and that we have seen is full of ideas. It is very intuitive. Their action is healthy, true, sincere. Sometimes, they have more interesting ideas than those of adults. We learn a lot from them, you know.”

The young “activists” took advantage of their godmother’s presence to present their game: “Halte Pollu’sons!”, a play on words that they chose to title their creation on the prevention of noise pollution (1). Two minutes later one of the children confessed to us: “What I liked best was miming.”; Estelle Lefébure draws a card and finds herself miming a starfish. The children quickly guess what it is. Cohesion, laughter and learning are felt!

“These young people are a hope, they are our hope. Having children who are so sensitive to the environment that is their home is important. And the fact of having created this game, of raising awareness among people of all ages, I think that is a very good idea.”concludes the ambassador.

A well-deserved reward

After working on this project for a year, doing surveys, boat trips, waste collection sessions, videos and slideshows, the children learned that they had won the “Help” prize in the Category “France and Monaco”, 1,100km from the museum. Children wear this title with pride and excitement: We were the only primary school, all the others were middle school students. »; “There, we can see the queen [Sic]. We’re going to do lots of activities, and above all, we’re finally going to go to the oceanographic museum.”

A project that is bearing fruit

Last year, this competition project organized by the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco brought together 600 people and 23 classes. This year, almost twice as many classes applied!

The educational world is increasingly interested in it. A necessary trigger so that young people can be trained and train others in this essential theme. To help children and projects come to fruition, the competition calls on patrons and partners that you can find on the website.

Cristelle Texier, the class teacher, thinks that this action will allow the students to act better: “They are changing their opinion on all this because now they are aware of the damage caused by noise pollution. I think that in the end, they will not go jet skiing, but rather paddle boarding “, she said, with a smile on her lips. One of the students confirms these propositions: “Now, with my mom, when we go for a bike ride and we see that there is a lot of waste, boom! We take a bag and we collect it!”

For next year, another objective is to be achieved for the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco: “We are going to add a category for classes which are located more towards the Mediterranean. We will integrate countries from around the Mediterranean which are not essentially French”, announces Laurie, project manager for the competition.

1. Effects caused by acoustic phenomena (or noise) having consequences on the health of people/animals, from momentary annoyance to more serious disorders.



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