Weather. What’s the weather like this Saturday, June 29 in Hauts-de-France?

Weather. What’s the weather like this Saturday, June 29 in Hauts-de-France?
Weather. What’s the weather like this Saturday, June 29 in Hauts-de-France?

The start of the day is rather promising, but for the rest of the day, the clouds will become more and more threatening and some may not escape the storms coming up from the south.

The night was calm and windless, which could encourage the formation of some mists this morning, particularly over Artois. The morning continues with the formation of a veil of cloud which will become increasingly dense. Indeed, a stormy breakdown comes up from the south, it carries warm and humid air and will meet cooler air coming down from the Channel. This is why at the end of the morning in the south of Aisne, you could already hear thunder.

The day starts well but the risk of thunderstorms is present in the south at midday

© France Télévisions

The stormy deterioration is confirmed for the afternoon. It mainly concerns the department of Aisne, but also the east of an axis linking Amiens to Lille. The storms could produce hail, gusts of wind, and a second stormy salvo is expected in the evening. Further north, the clearings are holding up despite the presence of clouds. Many departments are on alert for these famous storms, monitoring is also active for our region, even if, at the time of writing, it would seem that we are remaining on the fringes of the strongest phenomena.

Stormy deterioration which unfortunately seems to be confirmed, to be monitored

© France Télévisions

In some places, temperatures dropped by 6 degrees this morning. ! At daybreak, it is only 8°C in Amiens, 9°C in Maubeuge, 10°C in Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, 11°C in Bailleul and up to 14°C at the seaside.

Sacred drop in minimums with the cold air coming down the Channel

© France Télévisions

The maximum temperatures remain summery and with a light wind the feeling will be better than yesterday with 20 to 26°C over the entire region.

It’s summer on the thermometers this afternoon

© France Télévisions

And the trend ?

Sunday : The last day of June promises to be calmer but mixed nonetheless. While clearings develop, the end of the night still sees a few residual thunderstorms over the Aisne. The morning is quite pleasant, but, at midday, the sky will become filled with clouds from the west. An attenuated deterioration arrives, will cover the afternoon sky and give rain which will undoubtedly be more frequent as the hours go by. The minimums will rise again with 13 to 15°C, the maximums will fall to 19 to 23°C.

Monday : First day of July. There will be many low clouds in the morning, they will then rise and become cumulus clouds during the day and may locally give a few showers. The west to northwest wind will be strong again (up to 50 km/h in the coastal area, 30 to 40 km/h inland). Temperatures : 11 to 13°C in the morning, 18 to 23°C in the afternoon.

Mardi : During the night a disturbance will have crossed the region. It will leave us for the day of Tuesday, under a mixed sky and shared between clear spells, cloudy passages and showers.

Return of clouds and showers

© France Télévisions

The cloud cover of the day should help limit the formation of ozone. The air quality index will be degraded in the east of the region, and average elsewhere. Like every weekend, an update on the pollen risks of the coming days with ATMO Hauts-de-France : Grass pollens are still present in significant quantities in the air and represent a high allergy risk in our five departments. Contact a health professional in the event of prolonged discomfort.

The eastern part of the region still has poor air quality

© France Télévisions

Today we celebrate the Pauls and the Peters.

Here is the saying of the day: Rainy Saints Peter and Paul are dangerous for thirty days.

It happened on June 29th…

1949: The first television news program was broadcast in France at 9 p.m. Invented and directed by Pierre Sabbagh. At the time, it lasted 15 minutes. There was no presenter as we know them (we would have to wait for the invention of the sound camera in 1954), but this news program was commented on live. It was a sort of commented report.

Good day to all.

Penultimate day of June

© France Télévisions



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