Letter of the day: The Vaudois are more pragmatic

Letter of the day: The Vaudois are more pragmatic
Letter of the day: The Vaudois are more pragmatic

The Vaudois are more pragmatic

Letters from readers

Published today at 09:26

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Thônex, June 27

A few days ago, coming back from Lausanne at rush hour, I saw that we were driving very slowly, certainly, but almost never at a standstill between Lausanne and Morges. Pragmatic, the Vaudois open a third lane on the emergency stop at crucial moments. This probably didn’t cost them much and notably makes traffic flow more smoothly.

The people of Geneva, with their pride as an international city, would probably find such a solution unworthy of their standing. They prefer a “real” third runway, even if it costs between 3 and 5 billion according to the figures I have read. In any case, this third runway will not solve anything, quite the contrary. A car vacuum cleaner, it will allow users to enter more quickly, but in an already saturated city, which will only worsen the waits at the lights and the polluting traffic jams inside the city. When a vase is full, do you think we will avoid flooding by increasing the flow of the tap?

These billions would be better used to improve public transport, which they claim to also want to take care of. Politics is about planning, but when you are short-sighted…

Jacques Blandenier

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